Chapter 3

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Serinity,Jessica,and I sneaked into our house when we were sure everyone had gone to bed.We quietly and swiftly packed the things we needed out of our room.I packed clothes and other necessities that I thought fit me.Serinity had mind linked me,telling me that it was time to go.I stopped in front of our parents room,taking one last glance at the happy family I had.Blinking away a stray tear,I faltered out of the door along with my sisters.


My and I ran through the woods in wolf form since it was the quickest way to get where we need to go.We were coming from Texas and trying to go to California,if we could make it.On our way there,the sun had cam up and the birds started to chirp.My sisters and I figured we could transform back into humans,and stop to get breakfast.We spotted this small diner across the road from up.While we were entering,I felt this wave of..unusual.

Everyone in the diner stared at us as if we were aliens coming from Venus.We stared back,slowly walking towards the counter so we could order.Then one broad,muscular man stood up and walked our way.

"This ain't no place for 'princesses'."he spoke.Shit! We were in the territory of rouges,werewolves who had no pack.The horrible thing was that he obviously knew that we were a part of the Night Army pack and sometimes our father killed rogues.

"I am no princess,and I didn't come here to harm any of you.I left the Night Army pack."I spoke.The man raised an eye brow.He didn't look convinced even though I was being truthful.

"But you're the Alpha's daughters.He'd never let you leave."he answered.I shrugged.

"I said I left,not that he let me go."I responded.Ariana slightly pushed me back.

"How about we make a deal,you gather up all of your friends and we start our own pack."Ariana suggested.The man thought for a moment,then looked back at the diner full of rogues.

"Any objections?"he asked.No one made a sound.He nodded.

"We're in,I'm Demetrius by the way."he introduced.



7 months later

"Come on people,move faster!"II yelled at the lacking werewolves.Over seven months a lot has changed.For one,the Night Army pack is no longer the most powerful pack in the world.It's now the Dark Shade pack,which Jessica,Ariana,and I are the Alpha's.The girls and I also have boyfriends.Jessica and Demetrius got together two months ago.My boyfriend is named Zachery,and he's the greatest thing that has happened to me.Ariana's guy is named Riley and he treats her so well.

Everything was going so well and prosperous.

"Serinity,we have a letter!"Jessica yelled from downstairs of our pack house.I sauntered down stairs to see Jessica and Ariana opening a letter.Jessica unfolded it and I immediately started reading.

Dear Alphas of the Night Shade Pack,

My name is Deere Jones,Alpha of the Night Army Pack and I notified you all to ask if you could train my pack.My pack has degraded in it's rank and it's power.There is also a war coming up soon that we both will fight in.I thought it would be best if our packs could train together.

Respectively,Derek Jones

This letter was from my father and I instantly got worried.I didn't know that Vile,an evil werewolf pack,would strike Night Army.I looked up to Jessica and Ariana.

"So,what do you guys think?"I asked.They stayed quiet for a moment,trying to process what they just read.

"I want to help them,but I don't want to even smell or breathe the same air as my ex mate."Ariana told me.I nodded,understanding her emotion.Not a single one of us wanted to see our mates,but we had to help our father.We took quick glances at each other before we all put our hands together.

"Let's do this"

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