CHAPTER 4: The tragic end of a life

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It's only been 3 weeks since me and sonic have been together and I am really happy that my life had a purpose. I I just never thought that i would be writing this but this is the last log from me and sonic. the day was 1/27/19 that is the most tragic day of my life. I knew he had the sickness for a long time but I never thought it would get this bad. Sonic only had 3 weeks left and I tried to make it the most beautiful weeks of his life.

"Come on Tails you know I can't handle pressure."

"I know it's just I thought that I would read these before you did just in case."


I opened the folder it read this


Lung cancer: Negative

Liver cancer: Negative

Brain cancer:Positive

PASHANT STATUS: Stage 4 brain caner

REMAINDER of days: 21 days

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

"Tails let me see."

"Sonic I don't think you should..."

Sonic snatched it from my hands and read it.


Sonic started to get tears in his eyes.

"Tails I don't want to die."

"Sonicku I will try my best to find a cure."

"Thank you my Tails."

2 weeks have passed and still no luck.

"Tails you can't give up."

"I'm trying sonic I'm trying."

I started to break because I knew the facts no matter what I did he was going to die in the matter of days so I started to shut down my machines.


"Sonic there is nothing I can do, I just want to spend my last days with you."

We both broke into tears knowing nothing could work. So we spent the last of his day together.

"Hey sonic remember this."

I held up a picture of sonic vs metal sonic.

"Yeah I remember that day."

1 day left

"Sonic remember how I asked you out."

"Yeah little buddy I remember it."

"I was such a chicken."

"Tails that is not you now you have grown as a person."

"Sonic I'm so sorry that I couldn't do anything."

"Oh T-Tails I-It okay I-I love you my golden prince."

"Sonicku SONICKU."


I held sonic in my arms one last time. I kiss him slowly and said one last time.

"I love you Sonicku."


or so it would seem...

SonTails Owner of a lonely heartWhere stories live. Discover now