may the best woman (best woman) win

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(WARNING!! THIS CHAPTER INCLUDES SMUT AND A VERY OUT OF CHARACTER SAIKI!! i wasnt planning on this being a lemon i swear,, i just,,, dont even know)

You let out a sigh as you sat on the sofa. You tried to grab the remote on the coffee table, but weren't able to reach far enough due to a certain someone clinging onto your arm.

Yup. Saiki.

"Oy, Saiki. Can you stop for one second? I need to get the remote."

A groan from your boyfriend was your only response. You sighed again, louder this time, and tried to push him away. He moved on to hug you fully, almost pulling you directly into his lap. You outright groaned this time. Saiki was literally the LAST person you thought would be clingy, yet ever since you both started dating he's been showering you with affection with every chance he got. You loved it, of course, it just got in the way sometimes.

Like now.

"Saiki, I swear to god. My favourite TV show is starting in a second, and I am NOT missing it because you seem to have mistaken me for your teddy."

He let out a grunt this time. Done with this, you went to move out his lap. He quickly moved his hands to your tummy, pushing you back. At this point you were even closer to him than before; your back was pressed right against his stomach.


You sat there just shocked for a few moments. Then you remembered your show.

"Saiki, i'm not playing around."

You tried, once again, to move away. He yanked you back and moved one hand further down. You turned red immediately.

"s-sAIKI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" You squirmed around, causing Saiki to move both hands to your hips. He pulled you down so that you pressed against him.

"I said. Don't."

He brought his lips to your neck, leaving gentle kisses. You let out a whine, trying to wriggle free; He noticed this.

"(Y/N). If you don't want me kissing your neck like this, just say."

You shook your head frantically.

"n-nO! It's just that... my show..."

He let out a sigh. "Good grief."

Using his telekinesis, he brought the remote closer to you. You happily grabbed it, switching the TV on to your favourite show.

RuPaul's Drag Race.

You let out a happy giggle, watching possibly the best show ever. Saiki had seemed to calm down, simply watching the show. But after a while, he started to get bored.

He bit your neck.

"A-AH! SAIKI!" You yelped, turning around in his lap so you could see his face. He stared at you with a blank expression.


You blushed. "Fucking ask before you do something like that. Or just... warn me."

He smirked slightly.

"Okay then. Watch out."


Saiki pinned you down on the sofa and teleported you both. You looked around, now laying on his bed in his room.

"Wh... Saiki...?"

You felt another bite at your neck, and you let out a small moan. He began sucking and biting down at your skin, causing you to grip onto the back of his shirt.

★ Saiki Kusuo X Reader Oneshots ★Where stories live. Discover now