Chapter 2 - Could you make me remember who you are, please?

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"...momentum," Professor Crill said as he kept on teaching us and talking about stuff related to physics. This is the subject which i was a loser for. Despite my intelligence and hardwork for studying, I couldnt understand physics and all its crap. It's... crap.

"Momentum is a vector whose direction is the same as the velocity. It is expressed in the combination of the units--" Okay I really can't listen well. I mean, like, Professor Crill is a good teacher. He's not one of the jamming teachers, but he's not a boring teacher either..

Despite the focus I had in listening upfront, I still couldn't get it in my head. I keep remembering the scene that happened with Xander in the cafeteria. I mean, what's wrong with him? He looked so bothered.

And worried.

I wanted to talk to him and let him share things with me, but who am I to do that with him? I'm basically a nobody, just some new girl that deserves no time to talk with, much even a glance isn't worth of giving me.

As I looked to my right, I saw how unfocused Xander's eyes are. He seems to be thinking about something. Something so hard to decipher that his eyebrows were scrunched up together with his eyes looking so distant.

Now that I look at him without any distractions, I could clearly see that he has perfect boyish features. He had a smooth face, a long nose connected to a set of blue cobalt eyes, thin lips set to perfection, and eyebrows that looked so dark and manly. I could even see a scar up his right eyebrow.

Hmm, a badboy huh?

As I kept on studying his features, I saw someone looking at me through my peripheral vision. When I followed the path of where the person is, I saw no one looking at my direction. Huh, I swear someone had been looking at me just now. I could feel it from the bottom of my stomach.

Or was I just being delusional again?

Either way, I don't care if someone was looking at me or at my direction. It's not as if someone here in the room is a serial killer. They could just be a curious dude criticizing the new girl.

Before I knew it, class has ended. Time flies so fast when you're having fun is what they say. But I wasnt having fun, so it could be that time flies so fast when you're bored. Yep, that should be it.

And thank God I wasn't noticed by the professor. I couldn't handle the humiliation I would have if he'd seen me zoning out his class. That would be an utter embarrassment for me.

The new girl humiliated on her first day. Great.

As I packed up my things, I went out the door and looked both ways. Students were walking down the hall and some were even running. I wonder if I would be running like them in the near future. Although I was never late to class, I couldn't be too sure. Maybe I'd be running away from something.

Or someone.

I took out my shedule and saw that I had P.E next. Atleast I'd have something fun today, i thought as I put my schedule back in my bag. I loved P.E. I'm not one of those nerdy girls who doesn't excel in physical activities. I don't understand them though. P.E helps me maintain my normal weight and it's fun. Won't it do the same to them?

And looking for the gym, it was so hard to do. I thought gyms were supposed to be easy to find since it should be the biggest room in this school apart from the library.

I turned the round corner and saw the readheaded girl again, the one who stared at me in the secretary's office. She was walking with her head down, with all her books pushed on her chest. She looked so scared and seemed that she was avoiding something. She looked up and stopped dead in her tracks, staring straight into my eyes like she was trying to tell me something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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