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Kaname, the Sakamaki's, and Mukami's we're all looking at us.


(Y/n) 's p.o.v~~~~~


I didn't know what to do. So you know what? Fuck them!

"Haha! Yeet! Fuck This shit I'm Out!" Adriana said, before walking away.

"Ohhhhhh hell naw, you leavin me here with them!" Hannah said walking after her.

I just glared at the vampires.......

Ok I'm leaving now, cause they are starting to be creepy. Not that they already aren't.

"*Sigh* fuck my life." I said while lazily walking to the Sun dorms.

---------------------im lazyyyy--------------------

'I sat down on the bed provided. What are we going to do? How are we gonna get home?' my brain thought producing a thousand questions at a time. Feeling tiered I closed my eyes for a bit.


"So, what are we going to do?" Adriana said speaking up.

"What can we do? The only thing we can do right now is be patient, and wait." I said.

"*Sigh*" Hannah sighed.

"Well they probably know we exist now, so let's just avoid any confusion as much as we can." I said.

"But for now, I think we can explore a bit; it's not everyday that someone gets sucked into an anime." I added.

This seemed to cheer everyone up. I'm pretty sure there was a small campus garden somewhere. (Just pretend there is one).

We headed downstairs, past Principal Cross's office. We we're talking, minding our own business until--

Someone pushed me.

I fell in slow motion, bracing for the impact between my head and the wall............ what the.

Suprised that I had not gotten my head pushed into the wall, I found myself in someone's embrace. Someone had caught me.

"Thank you for catching me, that was very kind of yo--" I said while turning around, only to stop talking once I realized who caught me.

Fucking Kuran.

Why is it always me.

My eyes widened as I felt his grip tighten on me, it was starting to hurt.

"Whaa--, hey! S-stop it, i-i-t hurts." I felt myself say.

"Stop whining." He said firmly.

And so I did, tears pricked my eyes as the seconds passed.

I looked around for assistance from my friends but they were gone.

"Hannah, Adriana? Are you there?" I said in barely a whisper.

"They can't hear you, they have been silenced. As you too will be soon." Kuran said, his fangs appearing.

Hecks no.

O started thrashing around, trying to get free. But he was too strong.

Just as he was about to peirce my neck with his fangs----


"*Huff, Huff, Huff*" I panted waking up.

I was drentched in my own sweat, my heartbeat racing.

"I-it was just a dream." I sighed out relieved.

I got out, off the bed, and paced around slowly. All that could plauge my mind was that terrifying nightmare. I'm pretty sure that's God himself trying to tell me to "get the fuck out of there".

I realised Adriana and Hannah have fallen asleep too. Looking out the window, I see that it's turned dark, signaling me that it was close to midnight.

I tried going back to bed, but, that was not a viable option for me. Mabey I should get a midnight snack. (Pretend they have a downstairs kitchen in the sun dorms.).

Opening the door, I sneakily decended the stairs. I hope they have some candy....................

What? I like candy.

I went into the small kitchen area, smiling slightly. It was very dark so I had to feel my way around.

After a good 5 minutes of torture, I bumped into something hard, yet soft. It was really cold too.

"Who the hell puts a wall here!" I said clearly pissed.

"A wall should be the least of your concerns." A cool monotone voice said.

Realizing that the 'wall' was not a wall, I started to back up.

"O-ohh, I'm s-sorry. I-i-i-i just wanted a snack." I said back shakily.

"Hmmm.. what a great idea." He said, walking closer to me.

I paused for a second.... Wait....
Shit! He meant me! I'm the snack!

Not knowing what to do I started to back up, as he kept moving forwards. Dang he tall as fuck.


I got knocked out of my thoughts, as I got pinned between the kitchen counter and the tall guy.

Why meeeeeeeeeee.....

"Hmmm, you look so startled Bitch~chan~~." The voice said in a flirty manner.

Well, at least I know who it is now.

My least favorite, Laito Sakamaki.

"Fucking Hell. I got stuck with the rapist." I whispered to myself.

"Ohh, hoo, ohh. Bitch~chan what did you say~." He said in a sing-song tone, but it was obvious he was using that to cover up his anger.

"Listen here asshole, ......... Ha yeet bye!" I said, buying me time to distract him, while I kick him in the balls.

He fell to the ground, withering in pain.

Ha,ha-- get wrecked!

I ran up the stairs, and into the doorm room I shared.

By the time I went back it was 4:00 am.


I guess I get no sleep. Yay.

I'll just wait till the others wake up.

I sat down awaiting the long hours to pass by quickly.


Listen here folks! I am very sorry that I didn't update either of my two stories. I have some very big tests coming up. So this will probably be the last time I update any stories, before Summer break.

I'm sooooo sorry. I hope you can all understand. I will take hate comments.(I deserve it.) I will try to update during anytime I can but, I come from an Asian family. Sooooo, you know the stereo types........

Above 95 or you ded.

I 💜 u all.

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