My lost love...

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We're at Seokjins. I'm terrified, all I can do is shake and hold my breath. "It's going to be ok Minjee." Hoseok said and rubbed my back. I shook my head and started and crying "no, we're going into something dangerous and I just-" I couldn't finish, I was choking on my tears. All of the guys hugged me and helped me calm down. I wiped my tears. "I'm sorry I'm just worried and scared of what could happen." I put my head in my hands. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I do still love him. Is he absolutely crazy and did he almost kill me and Yoongi, yes. I know he's crazy and absolutely messed up in the head but he's still Kim Seokjin, the one I fell in love with. He's my lost love and I never want to lose him again. Yoongi was holding me in his arms, I don't feel anything, it's just like a friend holding his friend. I need to text Yoongi, even if we're sitting next to each other, I don't need the others to hear what we're talking about. Everyone's phone battery is low, we haven't had time to charge them. 



Me- Yoongz

Yoongz- Yea?

Me- I need to tell you something

Yoongz- What is it, my phone may die soon so hurry up.


Me- You're going to hate me for this.

Yoongz- Spit it out woman


Me- I'm still in love with|


"Shit!" I exclaimed. Everyone looked at me. "Sorry my phone died and I... I was trying to tell Seong something." I said to them. Everyone nodded and Namjoon took my phone, "I'll leave it plugged in up here." He told me and plugged it into the car charger. I thanked him and turned to Yoongi "I'll tell you when it's recharged." He nodded and went back to looking out the window. I then fell asleep. 

💉Time Skip💉

"Minjee... MINJEE!" Someone yelled. I opened my eyes and sat up, while removing Yoongi's arms from my waist. "What is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "We're going to be there soon, also..." Namjoon grabbed something "Here's a snack and your phone." He handed me a bag of chips and my fully charged phone. "Thank you, Joon." I thanked him and smiled. I turned my phone on and looked at all my notifications. 

45 texs from: Seongie🎀

50 missed calls from: Seongie🎀

20 calls from:  Soyeon (Seongs mom)

10 instagram dms from: ilyminnie_S

30 facetimes from: Seongie🎀

20 twitter dms from: ilyminnie_S

1 call from: Him

I looked at all the notifications from Seong so, I called her back. The phone rang one time and I heard voice from the other line, "MINNIE ARE YOU OK WHY WEREN'T YOU ANSWERING YOUR PHONE DID SOMETHING HAPPEN." She screamed and was obviously crying. "Seongie I'm ok, my phone died." I told her calmly. She sobbed for a minute or two more then said, "thank god you're okay I thought something bad had happened." She sniffled and her breaths were shaky. "Are you okay?" I asked starting to get concerned. "I'm ok now, don't worry Minnie." She said, I sighed with relief thank goodness she's ok. "I have to go Seongie, I need to save my battery ok?" I told her. "Alright, bye Minnie." She said then hung up the phone. I put my phone in my pocket and started to tear up. I miss Seong, I miss my family, I miss my parents, I miss my old life. I didn't notice but tears started falling down my face. "Minjee are you alright?" I heard Jimin ask. I sat up and wiped my tears "I'm fine, just feeling stressed." I lied. He nodded and turned back to the front, talking to Namjoon. Are they together? It seems like it. I feel scared again. In a few hours we'll meet him. We'll have to take him down. I suddenly remembered I need to tell Yoongi! I quickly got my phone out and texted him. 


Me- I still love him

Yoongz- I know



Have a nice day uwu~

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