Chapter 3

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Caution: the school name mentioned in the story is my imaginary name if there is a school named as such then I have not heard or read so. Neil Armstrong is a real person. Thank you and enjoy reading

Juilliard School
In Juilliard school everyone were so amazed by the idea of Mars Citizens coming to earth that they were having a discussion in their School's auditorium. Because the principle wanted to know what their students opinions were.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen as you know that a huge and very unexpected announcement has been made by President Hillary Clinton that the Mars Citizens are coming to visit our earth and oh my had we not seen that coming".Chuckled the principle while some teachers and students laughed. "Now I want to know your opinions what are your opinions as American Citizens as kids who will be our country's future. Do you think it as a huge achievement? And how do you think it will affect the world?." He began looking everywhere when some students raised their hands he picked one and said "yes what do you think." " Sir I think it is a huge achievement since Neil Armstrong went to the moon, and we will live in harmony with the Mars Citizen teaching each other cool stuff". "Very well any other ideas"? "Yes it is very huge achievement it is amazing for our country's future as well as the world" answered another student. Many students were enthusiastic saying that they thought it was a huge achievement and thought that it was a good idea when the principle's eyes went to a student who was sitting quietly deep in thought and wasn't as enthusiastic as the other students and was deep in thought. "You there sitting in the corner at the very back" to which the student pointed at himself and the principle nodded. "you don't seem as excited at everyone else I would like to ask why is that?". "Well Sir began the student nervously "I fell uneasy whenever someone mentions about the Mars Citizens". " I.... feel like they're coming in our lives will create chaos, a chaos which would not be easy for us to end. I feel like bad things would happen if they came". "And I am very much against the idea of them coming to Earth. "Ummm"the principle thought suddenly uneasy. "Hey Jake what are you saying"! Asked one of his friend to him "you are mad to think about it that way"! "Yes you are mad". Joined another student "you don't know anything about great achievements added another. And so all the students were getting angry at him for his opinions. " Silent everyone silent." Said the principle "the boy was just stating his opinion". "You don't have to be rude". After silencing them he dismissed them "you may go back to your class thank you, have a nice day" he wished them. Everyone got up from their seats and went for their classes while the principle stared at the disappearing figure of the boy called Jake thinking something deeply.

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