Chapter 5

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Looking through his binoculars from the drive way at the end of the street, Elvis watched the idyllic summer scene unfold behind olivia's stone house. 'Now there's any irony for you.'

He was in the doghouse for butting his nose into olivia's business yesterday at least that's what he believed the finger pointing over his roast beef sandwich and breathless,'m a grown woman. You don't have to...oh, just stay away and  let me make my own decisions! Meant.

Meanwhile, Tony Fierro seemed to be the golden boy. The ex-con was leaning on a shovel in olivia's backyard, laughing over something her Aunt Louise said. And her Aunt Peggy was serving them glasses of lemonade probably the really cold stuff, more tart than sweet-while Elvis sat here, parched, with beads of sweat trickling down the small of his back.

The open windows of the car gave him a clear view of Fierro and Louise digging in the weedy garden. And since he didn't imagine that being caught spying on olivia a second time-even if she was at work this morning  and he was only, technically, spying on her house-would earn him points towards forgiveness and a chance to sit with her and read that journal, he opted for flying under the radar rather than being cool and comfortable.

The soaring temperature on the cloudless day wasn't the only thing fueling the warmth in his veins. He kept replaying that little scene outside her office. He'd been amused at first by the uncharacteristic show of defiance. Her words tumbled out faster than her temper, and her cheeks had coloured a healthy shade of pink, adding fire to her lecture and vibrancy to her entire posture.

But when he realised that she saw his concern as interference - maybe even an insult - and that this unfamiliar independent streak meant he wasn't meeting with her or the journal that afternoon, then Elvis countered with a pithy comeback. Maybe if you showed better judgement in men you want to spend time with, then I wouldn't have to babysit you.

Babysit. He'd been idiot enough to actually use that word with olivia. He could of have sworn she wanted to slap his face.

Not one of his finer moments.

He'd never imagined Olivia Miller had a temper. He'd never dreamed of that, of all people, she could make him lose his.

He was paying for that slip up today.

Figuratively cooled off after twenty-four hours, Elvis settled back into the familiar role of Detective. Olivia and her aunts were like family. They'd decided to hire an ex-con to fix their garden and who knew what else. It was out of a sense of duty that he was following up to make sure Tony Fierro had reformed enough to deserve their trust.

All the red flags were to say otherwise. The get-out-of-my-face attitude yesterday. Apparently, he'd been a petty criminal in his life before prison, and minor thefts and burglaries had escalated into a series of convenience store armed robberies. Whether those were the extent of his crimes, or more serious charges had been pled down in order to secure a conviction, the records didn't say.

The records didn't say much about Fierro before his life of crime, either. Another red flag. Damn it was hot to be working surveillance today.

Elvis lowered his binoculars, unbuttoned his collar and loosened his tie. Maybe the cases he'd worked over the years, along with priscilla's betrayal, had made him just too damn cynical. His father's unsolved murder made him look at everyone as a suspect. He was worrying too much about this guy, trying to prove his instincts were right and olivia's were wrong.

Besides, olivia was safe at work, surrounded by dozens of cops, working under the very watchful eye of his superior, Mitch Taylor. He didn't even have a good enough excuse to sit here and watch over olivia's aunts.

Elvis was just being overly cautious. Deciding to give olivia and Fierro the benefit of the doubt for now - Elvis started the engine and drove back to his office.

He was looking through some case files when the phone rang. "Hey sawyer. What's goin' on?" Sawyer didn't waste time with any greeting. "I heard Detective Grove is bringing in the witness who called in your father's murder for another interview today. That may mean there's been a break on the case. I convinced him to let us sit in and watch. Can you meet me there?"

Elvis was already up and out of his seat. "I'm on my way."

What do you thinks going on with Elvis? Is it really just concern? Anyways, Hope you enjoyed this chapter! and thanks for reading! xoxo

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