Chapter 23

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With Peggy napping and Louise unpacking her overnight bag on the guest bed in the hospital room beside her, olivia finally slipped out of the room and dragged herself down to the waiting room at the end of the hall.

Elvis stood up as soon as she entered, and the crick of mild whiplash in her neck seemed instantly to improve.

"How's Peggy?" Despite the loosened tie and collar that indicated he'd been working, she felt like a frump again, sporting a shapeless green hospital shirt while he still wore his suit. The tailored cut of his jacket fitted his broad shoulders better than they'd draped over hers, but she missed the warmth and scent of him around her.

"Resting comfortably. The forms are all complete and there's nothing more I can do until the doctor checks her out in the morning." In spite of her fatigue, olivia couldn't help but smile. "Besides, you'd think Louise was the practical down-to-earth sister, the way she's stepping up to take care of aunt peg. They don't need me underfoot right now."

"You never know what a person can do until they're called upon to do it." Elvis plucked a tendril of hair from her temple and brushed it behind her ear. "Like a woman taking on a man who weighs twice as much as she does, with nothing more than guts to protect herself with."

His compliment warmed her as much as his gentle touch. "It was a good thing we could lock ourselves in the  car."

"Good thing, hell." He curled his fingers into his palm and pulled away. "I saw that car go over when I pulled into the parking lot. I thought..." He took a moment to button his collar, straighten his tie and Bury the thought. "The next time you go shopping for a car, I'm going with you to make sure you choose something heavy enough that not even a superhero can get to you inside."

"Superhero?" Olivia pressed her lips together to hide her smile. Perhaps Elvis had as good a fright as she had. But it was a secret she'd let him keep. "I'm just glad you came along when you did. Once Tony got the door open, I kind of ran out of ideas." The image of his red, angry face, so determined to take something from her, wiped away the urge to smile. The hospital really did have its air conditioning cranked on high this afternoon. "Tony's locked up, right?"

Elvis must have noticed the goosebumps on her arms, or the way she couldn't quite hug herself tightly enough to stay warm. He reached out and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "I doubt he'll ever be a free man again. Grove booked him on assault and battery, and is questioning him about my father's murder. He claims he has a track record of sexual harassment, but that somebody set him up to make it look like he was stalking you. Fierro still won't say shit about his expunged record, and he claims he doesn't even know who my father was. He's not talking."

Olivia pulled her necklace from the neck of her shirt. "He may not have to once we find out what secrets this key unlocks."

"Grove was anxious for answers about that, too. I was glad to have the backup this afternoon." But maybe not so glad that she told Detective Grove just how involved she and Elvis had been in investigating Vernon's murder? She worried her lip between her teeth and let him keep talking.

"I'll drive you home to get cleaned up and get a change of clothes. And I called major Taylor and advised him that you'd be gone for the rest of the day."

"No." If they were going to risk the badge and her life, then they were going to go all the way. "Take me to the bank first. They'll still be open for another half hour."

Olivia held up the key. "Tony nearly killed us for this - I want to find out why it's so important."

I know this chapter was kinda short..but the next one will be longer :) anyways, Hope you enjoyed! and thank you for reading! xoxo

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