confession 》goodguyfitz

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FITZ TIME BABES !!!!! I LOVE CAM SM! I need to write more John & Cam (or just write more in general) but hey the weekends coming up, we'll see how productive I am :)
On another note, thank you so so so so SO much for 700+ reads in a span of less than a week! I'm always open to feedback, and I'd love to hear what u guys think of my oneshots 💛
Anyways Reese you dumbass get on with the fic >:( we got a lil' request for some fluffy Cam 🥰🥰🥰
Another note: I'm sorry if this is awful i wrote this later than expected so my brain is slowly shutting down
(Also listening to Macklemore as I write this. I think I'm truly ascending)

Word count: 1505 words
Published: Thursday, Feb 7th 2019
Requested by: @missymischief


"PEAKY BLINDERS GANG RISE UP!" You exclaimed, jumping on the couch where the rest of your friends were. "It's 12am and you've all been playing Fortnite for god knows how long, and I wanna watch some stuff with you guys."
Mason groaned, not wanting to stop playing.
"Just a lil longer?" He pleaded, making puppy eyes at you.
"Mace, you know those don't work on me, right?"
"It was worth a try." He sighed, putting the controller down and tossing you the remote for the TV, the other boys doing the same. "Mums aren't affected by that stuff."
"Mum?" You asked, snapping your head away from the screen back to your friend.
"Yeah, cuz you're dating Cam and he's the dad of the group." Toby and Jay nodded along with Mason's logic.
"We're uh..." you cleared your throat and tried your best to keep the light blush from spreading across your face. "We're not dating."
"You sure fucking act like you do." Eric butted in, apparently having listened in onto the conversation.
"Um, sure."
"I'd have to agree on Swagger with this one, N/N." Toby said. You simply rolled your eyes before turning your head back to the TV, searching through Netflix to find Peaky Blinders. To be fair, the more you thought about it, the more you realized the boys were right - you and Cam were awfully close, so close that people honestly thought you two were dating each other; oh, how you wish it were that way. Over the years you had known him, you starting developing feelings over Cam - at first, you thought it was a simple crush, but then it turned into something more, something that was hard to explain.
"Hey guys! We got the food!" You heard an all-too familiar voice exclaim. Speak of the devil - him and Matt had gone out to order some food for the rest of the group a good 45 minutes ago, leaving you to your own devices while waiting for them to come back.
"Welcome back to Retard Palace!" You responded, making your friends laugh. "What'd you get us?"
You sauntered over to the two, peaking into the plastic bags they brought back.
"You'll see." Matt said before walking off to the kitchen to set everything up. You went to Cam, who was currently untying his shoelaces.
"How was it?"
"It was okay, but we took longer cuz the traffic was godawful - what've you guys been up to?" He smiled at you, making the familiar butterflies appear in your stomach.
"I've just been watching them play Fortnite non-stop. I was just gonna set up Peaky Blinders when you two came back."
"Oh hell yeah! Aight, let's get our food then."
He then grabbed your hand, dragging you to the kitchen. You both grabbed plates and started putting food on them, settling down on the couch after.
"We're on episode 3, season 2." You pointed out to Jay, who was having trouble remembering where you had left off.
"Oh right, thanks."
The episode played, but of course since all of you were together there was no way anyone could keep their mouth shut for a long period of time - when you met up with all of them, it'd all go to shit and someone would do something stupid, but hey, that's how it worked in the Misfits. Toby ended up pulling out her phone and recording you doing a dumbass Tik Tok video, and Cam pulled out his phone as well when you and Mason started dancing together, posting it to his Instagram story and tagging the both of you. Many hours had passed, and you soon realized it was 4am. Holy shit.
"Damn, time went by fucking sonic speed." You pointed out, yawning a bit.
"Shiiiiit it's really 4? I guess I'm heading to bed then." Toby mumbled.
"Alright, I guess it's all our cues to pass out. Goodnight, fuckers." Eric said, gathering all the dirty plates and putting them on the counter. "I'm not in charge of dishes."
"Nose-goes!" You exclaimed. Jay was the last one to touch his nose with his finger.
"Aw shit." He whined. Everyone said their goodnights, and you went up to your room to pass out, too lazy to change out of your hoodie and shorts. You seemed to immediately pass out as your head hit the pillow, embracing the comfort your bed provided. The next time you woke up, it was 5am - only an hour had passed, huh. Why did you even wake up? You heard a slight knocking noise ring out throughout your room.
"What the fuck?" You muttered. The door slowly opened, only to reveal Cam. "Oh, hey dude. What's up?"
"Can't sleep. You?"
"I think you woke me up. It's fine though, come on in." He slowly crept in, a guilty look on his face as he didn't know that he had woken you. "Dude, seriously, it's fine."
"If you say so." He whispered as he sat on your bed. You gave him a look, your eyebrows raised as you didn't look impressed. "What?"
"You really think you're just gonna sit and talk? Get under the covers, cunt." Cam chuckled and cooperated, getting comfortable in your bed. You were used to this, he usually came to you whenever he couldn't sleep. "So, what's on your mind?"
"Shut up, you know you like it."
"You know I do." You both smiled at each other. "Hey Cam?" He hummed. "Can I ask you something? It's fine if you don't want to though."
"No no, go ahead."
"Earlier, Mason thought we were dating." You cleared your throat before continuing. "And the others agreed. What do you think about it?"
There was a silence between the two of you before your friend broke it.
"I mean- would you want to?"
A blush covered your entire face as you didn't know what to say - should you be truthful, or should you lie?
"Uh..." you started. "I... wouldn't mind." Your voice went a pitch higher at the last word.
"I wouldn't either."
"Does that mean you feel the same way I feel about you?" You asked on impulse, and you immediately facepalmed, making Cam chuckle.
"How do you feel about me?"
"Uhhh, depends how you feel about me."
"Nice try, Y/N. Spit it out."
"Okay... I don't know how to explain shit but I'll try my best. I get really happy whenever you're around, you never fail to make me smile n' shit. You're really funny and just such a sweet person, you know when enough is enough but you also know how to let loose. You've got an amazing personality, and over the years I've known you I just seem to fall deeper and deeper in love with it. You're just an amazing person, Cam. I love you."
After your mini-rant, you sighed as the whole room went quiet. It seemed deafening, you didn't know how he would react - did you just ruin a perfect friendship? Did he not feel the same? Was it all a joke? Your thoughts were interrupted and doubts quickly evaporated as you felt a pair of lips against yours, hands going holding your waist to bring you in closer. Cam sat up as he seated you on his lap, still kissing, your heart nearly exploding as you were overjoyed and filled with love. You pulled away after a bit, looking into each other's eyes.
"That's really funny because I was gonna say the exact same thing to you." You giggled before kissing him again, practically getting lost into the kiss. You pulled away and laid down again, pulling Cam close to you so you could cuddle.
"So, want to make it official?"
"I'd love to."
From then on, Mason always called you 'mom'.


Ugh I'm so sorry for that ending I'm so bad but it's late and listening to sad Macklemore and G-Eazy music puts me in a MOOD so now I'm :( on the verge of tears but still smiling bc this is cute
That's just how mafia works😰🤝😎
SmASh ThAt LiKe BuTtOn aNd SuBsCriBe if YoU EnjOyED 😩🤪
- Reese
(Leave a comment too it means the world to me lmao)

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