Your a Hunter?

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imagine dean and sam at your school for a hunt to find out your a hunter to

Y/N= your name

L/N= last name

"Dean we need to keep our focus. Quit gawking at the girl". I heard someone say. 

"Ya Ya ok" the other said, "but we wont be able to hunt till tonight anyways". He say looking at me who stoped walking when they said hunt, i could tell he was pointing at me. I continued walking turning down a hall.

It wasafter school and they were still here. I jumped out and kicked one in the face knocking him to the floor while pinning the taller one the wall with a knife to his throat. The shorter one came back and I tapped my boot with my free hand causing a knife to pop out, and pinnig him to the wall with my foot. "Drop your wepons'. I say. They drop their knifes. "who are you and why are you here"? I ask. 

"My names Dean that's my brother Sam. Winchesters at your service". The shorter one says the last part sarcastically. 

"Well i'll be damned". I say letting them go. "Y/N is the name". I said tapping my boot and the knife goes back in my boot.

"Wait you mean your the Y/N? Like Y/N L/N top huntress in the U.S.? Sam asks

"howdy partner". I say blushing noticing that both boys who are equally attractive looking me up and down. "Well nicew to finally meet you two. so what do you say we kick some wraith ass"? I say nodding to the end of the hallway.

"Wraith? I thought it was a spirit"? Sam said giving me a confused look.

"Nope" I say crossing my arms. "I looked inside the head and their brains were sucked dry.and there was an entry hole behind the ear." I say "and i know whos next" I say with a sigh.

"Who is it Y/N?" Sam and dean say at the same time

"Me" I whisper out turning away.

"But how the vicims have nothing in common." Dean asks confused

"Actually they all suffered with depression. if you live in a small town everyone knows everyone." I say

"The depression was caused by them losing their family." Sam said looking at me. then like a light went off in his head he finally got it. "Your family was killed in front of you, if it wernt for Bobby Singer you would be dead" Sam said causing you to look at him confused.

"how did you know that and how do you know Bobby?" I ask. You turn around and seeing the wraith. I pull out my pistoland shoot it with a silver bullet that has a pentagram carved into it. Sam and Dean look back and see it. But what i told them was a lie i knew it was a demon. "So we meet again Asmodeus." I say a smile on my face.

 "Y/N its been what 17  years? how are you since the night I killed your family?" he smirked 

"Im good you dick, in fact" i say pulling out a archangel blade, "I learned what can kill you". You say twirling the blade in your hand. his eyes widened and he tried to throw the knife from your hand and failed. "oh and that bullet, devils trap carved into it." You throw the knife into his chest causing him to die. his vessle falls to the floor. you go and pick up the blade and turn to the boys, "sorry i lied. it was a demon now if youll excuse me i need to return this to a friend of mine." you say walking foward. "Candyman im done." you say you say walking fowards. next thing you here is the flutter of wings and a confused sam speaking.

"Gabriel" sam froze, "you died" he stated 

"did i really" gabe says

"Hello trickster" you say causing the winchesters to look at you. "taught him everything he knows." you say with a smirk. "here you go candyman, stay out of trouble" you ay leaving the scene, along with gabe.

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