first meeting dean x fem!reader

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I want to thank nessicrocker for the idea for this one. And it also has really vulgar language.❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Y/N P.O.V.
I walk around the back of the road house to make a call and sit on a crate. "What do you want Kyle?" I say into the phone.

"I'm breaking up with you. I cant handle the whole 'I hunt monsters for a living bullshit. I'm tired of your lies." He says.

"Fine. But I never lied about what I do for a living if you want proof i hunt monsters I'll send you a fucking video of me killing them a whole shit ton of them by myself. Goodbye you dick." I say angrily to him hanging up I stand up from the crate and start punching the wall repeatedly knowing that both my hands would be broken and bloody when I was done.

"Whow whow whow hey stop are you ok?!"  A tall man about 6'1 with candy apple green eyes asks stoping me.

"I'm fine let me go!" I shout at him.

"Do I need to fo get Ellen or will you cooperate?"  He asks me. I sigh and try to fight back the tears threatening to fall. "If you need to cry go ahead and cry I wont tell anyone." He says and I break and sob, starting to fall to the floor. He caught me and held me until I finished crying.

"I'm so sorry I'm not normally like this I mean I hunt for a living and I start crying because of a break up." I say frustratedly

"Are you a hunter like things that go bump in the night?" He asks and I nod my head. "The way I see it is that you and him have most likely known each other for a long time and started a relationship that you have been in for years and you finally tell him what you do that makes you such a strong person and he doesn't believe you so he breaks up with you which hurts like a bitch when someone says they dont believe or trust you so that would explain why you are crying it's the feeling of betrayal from the person you thought you could trust. I know the feeling all to well." He says and it surprises me that he guess all that and ended up being right. "Does that about sum it up?" He asks.

"Ya actually it does right to a t. I'm Y/N L/N." You I produce yourself.

"Dean Winchester." He says.

"You mean as in dean winchester the one who drives the most beautiful car the 1967 Chevy impala, the one who cheats death, and the play boy every girl knows about??" I ask him. He nods and I smile. "Well hello to you too handsome." I say getting up.

"Let me wrap your hands for you it'll help." He says. I nod and allow him to help me.

"And that's how I met your father" I tell our kids.

"Wow that's super cool he helped you when you were at you worst!!" Our son shouts.

"Yes he did and that's how you two numbsculs ccx ame around. Now go to sleep. Goodnight." I tell my boys.

"Goodnight mom." They say before going to bed. I walk to mine and Dean's room and lay next to him.

"Night baby" he says.

"Goodnight" I say before falling asleep.

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