•Matt Route-Part One•

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Gently, you knocked on the doorframe of his editing room. He looked away from the computer screen, pushing his glasses up.

"I'm bored." You put it simply. "And I was invited to come hang out if such an event occurred."

"Wow, new record," A small smile played on his lips, "You always gotta come when daddy calls." His smile grew as he watched your face contort in disgust and amusement.

"Daddy Watson no!" You giggled, coming into the dimly lit room. Sitting in Ryan's chair, you spun around a few times.

"Holy shit. Ryan's ass print is so deep I might just fall into the chair." Matt laughed as you squirmed around, trying to find a comfortable way to sit.

"You see the ass on that guy? Hot damn!" He whistled.

You grinned. "Whatcha working on?"

"Oh y'know, just some Game Grumps episodes. I'm almost caught up, I just need to finish this one and then we can leave." Matt explained, spinning around to face you. As he looked at you, a thoughtful expression crossed his face.

"You know... Ryan and I were gonna film a vlog tomorrow." He starred at you intently.

"Yeah...?" You questioned.

"You could be the camera man! Or you could even be in it!" Matt smiled at you eagerly.

"I mean, yeah sure, I'd love to!" The first day of him knowing you in person and he already wanted you in a vlog. There was a feeling of pure bliss that filled you. The anxiety from before completely melted off as you totally let the feeling go to your head.

"But-" A thought suddenly made your mood come crashing down. "The fans won't be mad, will they?"

Matt shook his head. "No way! They already know you're our thumbnail artist. And don't worry about them not liking you, I like you already and I've only known you for a couple hours! Minus the month we've been texting... But that's besides the point! They'll love you, don't worry (y/n)."

A rosy glow entered your cheeks. "Thanks Matt, that means a lot."

"Anytime," He winked. The both of you lingered for a moment, before Matt started to spin in his chair. "I'm gonna get this video done as fast as I can, and then we'll figure it out from there."

You agreed. Spinning around in your chair, trying to find anything more to do without bothering Matt.

"Hey, Matt," Chris poked his head into the doorframe. "Oh, (y/n), fancy seeing you here."

"Hey Chris," you greeted with a smile.

"What's up?" Matt glanced up at him.

Chris directed his attention to the skinnier man. "I, uh, wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow. I have nothing better to do."

"Now that you mention it, yeah sure. We're shooting a vlog, and (y/n)'s gonna be our cameraman." Matt gave a smile in your direction.

"A homo of many talents, I can dig that." Chris smirked. You giggled slightly.

Matt nervously chuckled before shooing Chris away. "Yeah, yeah, we know, you're the biggest homo of all. Now scram so I can do my work." He half-assed and accent.

Chris waved and walked off, leaving you and Matt alone again. You continued spinning in your chair, not giving much thought to the interaction.

The silence that fell between you and Matt was surprisingly not awkward, but quite comfortable. You couldn't help but blush every time you caught each others eyes. And your face started to become sore because of all the smiling you were doing.

"There's a fucking goblin in my chair!" Ryan's voice made your heart jump into your throat. But you laughed nonetheless.

"Don't call (y/n) a goblin! She's more of gremlin!" Matt tried, and successfully defended  your honour.

"That's right, bitch. Don't fuck with me or my gremlin son ever again." You spun to face Ryan. He smiled and entered the room.

"Almost done Matt?" He asked.

"One sec... and... yep! All done!" Matt pushed his chair and stood, stretching his long limbs.

You stood too, but spinning for a good three minutes will leave a person a bit shaky. Stumbling, you grab onto Matt's shoulder and arm, trying to keep yourself upright.

"Oh shit (y/n)! Didn't your daddy ever each you to take it easy on the booze?" He joked, helping you balance.

"No, but your daddy did." You winked, getting a laugh out of both of them.

"So what's the plan?" Ryan asked.

"I was thinking that maybe (y/n) could come over and check out the apartment." Matt shrugged, looking to you for an answer.

"Sure, sounds like fun." You replied. The boys nodded and lead you out of the room and back into the room where you started. Chris looked up from his tablet and waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow Chris," Matt flashed a peace sign before the three of you left the building.

Matt and Ryan started towards their car and you went to yours. There was a certain happiness in the way you made your way to the car. Only a day and you were going to be in their video. Not to mention they had invited you into their apartment.

Matt started to climb into the car, but before he did he looked in your direction. "Just follow me, ok?"

You gave a thumbs up and climbed into your car. They pulled out of the parking lot, and you followed close behind.

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