•Chris Route-Part One•

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It didn't take long for you to get bored when Matt and Ryan had left your side. You racked your brain, thinking of anything you could do. Then a thought snapped into your head; Chris had invited you to come draw with him.

You started off in that direction, eyes wandering the walls. There was fanart and amibos—all sorts of things—hung up.

A voice diverted your attention away from the wall and towards the circle of drawing tablets. Chris was making ridiculous noises, you assumed he was trying to sing, but smiled just the same.

His eyes were glued to his screen, headphones planted firmly on his head. You inched behind him, looking at the screen. It seemed to be a new thumbnail for a video. A laugh threatened to escape your lips when you saw the sketch. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth as a grin spread onto your face.

Chris finally noticed your presence behind him and spun around in his chair, nearly shouting in surprise. His face flushed red and pulled his headphones off.

"(Y-y/n), what's up?" He mumbled.

You smiled. "Nothing much, just bored. Loved your singing by the way. Very angelic."

He grinned at you, gesturing to the chair beside him. You sat and turned on the tablet in front of you.

"What're you gonna draw?" He asked.

"Dunno, what should I?" You shrugged.

Chris thought for a moment. "Dude draw the fagboys."

"The fagboys huh?" You quickly connected the dots and assumed he was talking about Matt and Ryan, so you started scribbling away, not even noticing Chris leaning over your shoulder.

Halfway through drawing Matt, you felt Chris staring and stopped drawing. "Don't look! It's a surprise!" He shook his head and smiled, returning to his own tablet. Occasionally he snuck glances and suppressed his laughter, but never let you know.

"Ok, done!" A minute or two later you announced. "Now you can see, you fool."

He rolled his chair close to yours and immediately started gasping for air. Your super realistic drawing gave Chris stitches in his sides.

"What the fuck is wrong with Matt's hands?" He pointed to the boney, shrivelled hands of your Matt.

"That's what they fucking look like!" You retorted.

"Holy shit," Chris finished his giggle fit and looked at you. "This is really good. No wonder they hired you."

A swell of pride filled your chest, and a warm glow spread across your face. "Thanks dude."

Chris's blue eyes lingered on your face for another moment before he returned to his tablet. He giggled before turning it slightly towards you.

He had nearly finished his thumbnail, and it made you snort with laughter. Chris howled when he heard it, and you both giggled for a good minute.

Both of your faces were warm with laughter, and you locked eyes. You couldn't deny it, there was something charming about this blonde giant. His eyes sparkled whenever he smiled, and his laugh just made you beam.

"Hey motherfuckers!" And just like that, Ryan had come out of the recording room. "Why are y'all staring at each other?"

When you didn't think your face could get anymore red, it flashed a whole 50 shades.

Ryan started laughing his unique laugh when he approached close enough to see your drawing. "That has to be a thumbnail, holy shit."

"You definitely grabbed a talented homosexual," Chris teased. You smacked his arm gently and grinned.

"So uh, since I've finished my stuff, and Matt's almost done his, do you wanna come swing by our apartment?" Ryan put his hands in his shorts pockets. You shrugged, nodding.

"Alright, well I'll go get Matt and then we came blow this popsicle stand." Ryan spun on his heel and walked towards the editing room.

You looked over at Chris, who was already looking at you. "So, I'll uh, see you tomorrow?"

"For sure! Here, let me have your number and I'll text you tonight." Never once had someone been so direct yet so smooth when getting your number. He took his phone out and handed it to you, you quickly typed your number in and gave it back.

Matt and Ryan popped out of the hallway and waved for you to get up. You bid Chris a quick goodbye and followed the boys through the office and out into the parking lot.

There was an unusually peppy spring in your step as you walked to your car. Although you didn't expect it, today was better than you thought it was going to be.

"Just follow us, ok, (y/n)?" Matt called out as he got into his car. You gave a thumbs up and entered your own vehicle. The boys took the lead, leaving the parking lot with you close behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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