Chapter 4 - short chapter

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After Jordan and his dad had left, I went back to my room to pack up my setup and everything else that was going in my car. I put on a playlist and blasted my speaker as loud as I could without disturbing other students. I got hungry at around 4pm and went to go and get a snack, when I passed the fridge I saw a note attached to it.

I've gone out to drown my sorrows in alcohol with my sister, you looked busy when I opened your door so I left you to it. If I don't see you tomorrow before you move, you have my number. I really hope you keep in contact, I'd like to build our friendship again :) 

Lots of love, Olivia xxx

She managed to get a small smile from me and a vow to keep her offer in mind. I folded the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. I tore my own sheet and drew three hearts on it before putting it on the fridge. I picked up a bowl of mixed berries and took it back with me to my room. I sat on my now bare bed and picked up my phone, I saw Mini and Smitty were online on discord playing R6S so I decided to join the chat.

"Oh and Cubby has just joined" Mini said

"Who's Cubby?" a voice asked

"An alright gamer gril" Smitty chuckled

"Shut up Canada" I scoffed

"I'm joking brother" he laughed

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me

"Who's the guy?" I asked

"My buddy Kieran" Smitty replied

"Sup dude" I said

"hi" he replied

"Do you wanna join the game Cubby?" Mini asked

"Nah just thought I'd chill with you whilst I pack the last of my stuff" I replied

"Thats cool, but I'm probably using this footage for a video" Smitty said

"Its fine, I do make my own content" I smirked at what I was about to do

"Don't even dare-" Mini started

"Sub to RandomCubby, link hopefully in the description. Follow my socials, all RandomCubby" I said quickly

"I'm not putting that in" Smitty laughed, "just a couple of beeps over that sentence"

"You'll run out of content one day" I shrugged

"Thats a fair point" Kieran said

"I like you" I said

"Thank you" Smitty and Mini said together

"I was actually talking to Kieran but you guys are okay too I guess" I said

"wow" mini deadpanned

"That hit me on a personal level" Smitty said

"I like you too" Kieran piped up

"Thank god, I thought I got aired then" I chuckled

"oh and I'm not sorry Canada and Mini" I added

"This girls a savage" Kieran laughed

"You'd literally fit perfectly into both the groups I play with" Smitty said

"Thank you?" I said

"It was a compliment" Mini laughed

I looked at the time and decided I should probably sleep

"I'll leave you guys to actually play your game and get some footage while imma sleep and recharge myself" I said, "bye"

"Okay" Mini said

"See ya" Kieran said

"Bye Canada" I said

"Bye Cubby" he chuckled

I left the call and put my phone down. I got into pyjamas and put some of the odd things into more boxes before getting into my sheetless bed. I turned off my side lamp and snuggled into the sheets.

His Masked Gamer (SMii7Y ff) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now