Chapter 11

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Since my drunk fiasco, I'd put all alcohol in my flat out of sight. Jordan had been acting distant with me and hadn't answered many of my texts. If I asked to hang out, he'd ghost me and if he did reply, he was blunt. The result of lack of Jordan meant I got closer to Smitty, pretty much my whole day was talking to him and the guys. 

 When it hit 5 days of Jordan avoiding me I called my mum. I complained about everyone I got close to let me down but my mum being my mum made me see sense so today, after a lot of persistence from me, Jordan was coming over for a movie marathon.

"Hey Jordan" I said softly as I opened the door 

"Hey Savannah" he smiled opening his arms for a hug 

Maybe I had been overthinking things. I walked into his embrace and hugged him tightly

"It's been a while" I said closing the door behind him when he walked in

"I've been busy" he said immediately 

'Lie' my brain told me 

'Shut up' i countered 

"I've been working for dad a lot" he added 

'Another lie' the voice in my head roared 

I tried to ignore it but the character reading part of me was strong when to wanted to be 

"Right well, what do you want to do?" I asked 

"I don't really mind, we can just watch movies like we usually do" he shrugged 

"Movies it is" I sighed sitting out the sofa and turning on the tv

There was definitely something up.

Jordan and I settled on a Harry Potter marathon but the awkwardness and tension got to much for me an hour into the first movie. Jordan wouldn't even sit next to me, he sat on the armchair.

I paused the movie and angled my body towards him 

"Ok, i'm done with this" I said to him 

"D- done with what?" He asked 

"Cut the shit Jordan" I snapped, "What have i done for you to act all icy towards me"

"I haven't been acting icy Savannah" he said coldly 

"Don't lie to me" i hissed 

Jordan shut his mouth and stared at me for a minute 

"You kissed me" he finally said

I choked on my spit

"I what?" I questioned 

"You kissed me" he said again

'Now that's the truth' the voice in my head said 

'Oh shut up' i fought back 

"Was this the night i asked you over?" I asked 

He nodded 

"Why didn't you tell me before Jordan?" I asked 

"You didn't remember, what was the point of bringing it up" he shrugged 

"Well there obviously was a point if it bothers you so much" I said 

"It doesn't bother me" he insisted 

I raised an eyebrow, "so you basically ignoring me this last week and then you now acting cold to me means you're not bothered" I scoffed

"Yeah actually, that's exactly what it means" he said harshly 

"Unbelievable" I said forcing out a laugh, "I think you should leave if you're not willing to talk this out like adults"

"What are we doing right now?" He spat 

"Fighting" I snapped back, "I'm trying to get to the bottom of the situation and you're resisting"

"I didn't want to talk about it and you wouldn't let it be" he shouted 

"Because you weren't even acting normal around me" I shouted back, "if you didn't want me to pick up on anything what was the point of ignoring me"

Jordan didn't answer and I sighed 

"Just leave Jordan" I said 

He got up without another word and stalked out of my apartment slamming the door behind him. I got up and cried out in frustration before kicking my sofa. It was a decision I instantly regretted as a sharp pain shot through my foot.

"Shit" i hissed 

My phone rang at the same moment and I winced as I walked over to the coffee table to retrieve it.

"Hello" I snapped into the receiver 

"Damb" a voice said, " I can call back if this is a bad time"

"Smitty" I said quickly, "sorry, I just- don't worry about it"

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Just had an argument with one of my friends" I answered 

"You have friends apart from me?" He asked jokingly 

I laughed and felt some of my anger dissipate

"Thanks for that" I chuckled

"For what?" He asked, his tone confused 

"The joke, I needed it" I clarified 

"Oh, what can I say" he laughed, "I'm a funny guy"

"You are such a loser" I mumbled 

"Yes but you love me" 

I could practically see the smirk on his face 

"Why did you call?" I asked ignoring his comment 

"Oh yeah!" He exclaimed, "I completely forgot. Mini, John, Anthony, Tyler and I are playing and we're wondering if you wanted to join"

"I'm not familiar with this game" I said 

"It's literally a drawing game so get your ass to your setup and we'll explain it" he said before hanging up

I sighed and dragged myself to my room, turning on both my monitors before messaging Smitty in discord.

Canada 🇨🇦 (SMii7Y)

Explain dickwad

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