Chapter 1.5

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I sat in my car for a good 20 minutes before actually getting out. I was on my way to put in an application, and attempt to join the rest of the world. I made my way through the mall towards an old record shop called Ronny's. Memories fled through my head, no matter how hard I tried to block them out. Collin and I use to come here together every Wednesday our senior year. It was our special thing. I'm not sure why, considering he didn't care for music, but it just kind of marked itself. Maybe it was because although he hated it and would much rather he watching football, he came for me. He knew I loved it there,and he did it for me.

As soon as I walked into the shop memories fled my through my mind. It took everything I had in me to flip threw records, just like old times.

"Can I help you,miss?" an Australian voice rang out.

"Actually, you can. I was wondering if you had any positions available? I saw the help wanted sign in the front and wondered if I might qualify."

"You can fill out an application right that way" He said pointing towards a sales desk in front of a door to a supply room. Why out of all places would I choose to work here? I couldn't answer that if I wanted to.


So this is just going to be a half chapter because I haven't updated in like forever so chapter 2 might be a little short also but who knows. HARRY WILL BE HERE SOON I JUST NEED YOU TO GET THE BACK STORY HE'LL BE THERE IN LIKE A CHAPTER OR TWO OK. oh and yes Collin is her dead fiancé. Love you babes


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