Chapter Eighteen

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"Reject him?" I could still see my breath in the cold air. He shrugged putting a finger over his mouth.

"I'm not allowed to speak of such things. But yes...reject him. It's a way of, getting rid of the bond" I gave him a questionable look.

"How do I do it?" He bit his inner cheek.

"I don't probably knows. He's been out in the world to see that type of stuff" but we didn't have Michael here to help me.

Wow I thought I would never be saying that in my lifetime ever. But now was a good time to have him. Yet of coarse we don't have him.

"When will Damien be back?" He raised a brow.

"So he is I'm...first name basis now?" He teased. I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure he will be back either later today or by tomorrow your highness"

"I'm seriously going to hit you. Quit it!" He smirked his all time most famous evil smirk and stood up.

"All right hit me" I got up and swung at him automatically.

I mean come on he is giving me the chance to hit him and I'm taking it. He dodged using his speed and taking my arm and twisting it. I yelled out going to kick him but he grabbed my leg spinning me to the ground. I landed face first in the snow. Great as always. I had gotten up, some still covering my face.


"We are training Claire. What did you expect?" I went to tackle him again but ended up tripping into the snow again as he dodged once more.

He kept a straight face. Such an Asshat. I gathered some snow in my gloves, throwing it at his face.

"Stop being a child you really need to protect yourself Claire"

"He um, gave me this to protect myself" I pulled out the necklace from under my coat, revealing it to him.

"Silver?" Obviously he didn't touch it to observe.

"Yes. I can just use this. He said to use it for my protection so if I need to protect myself I will use it" duh Claire. He nodded backing up a bit. "I'm not going to use it on you...yet" I grinned evilly. He raised his hands in surrender.

"You ready to run back?" I groaned getting up. It's not like he will carry me back to the castle.

When we got back he told me to go back to the Kings room. I'm guessing he is back. He still scared me. I was scared enough that I couldn't tell my brother about his condition. If I would've told him, it would've been the doom of the werewolves. I know that. This can be my blackmail against him.Yet a part of me feels bad for him.

Stop feeling bad for him Claire, he is using you and had kidnapped you remember?  Get it through your thick skull, there is no way he shows empathy. No possible way. On the bed there was a note. It was instructions.

Put the chain on before I get back. If it's not on, we will have problems


That didn't scare the shit out of me at all. Not at all. I'm not worried. At. All. I did as I was told. I took off my large layers of jackets and put the damned chain on.  Then I sat there. In fear. Once again for about the hundredth time I have been here. I decided to stay awake until he came back, just so he didn't get the jump on me. But I failed. Falling asleep on the floor once again.

I was being carried. That's what stirred me awake. I heard the chain, dragging against the ground. Then I felt the bed underneath me. I tried to actually wake up, but it was one of those moments where my body just wouldn't function. My eyes did open though to see the King. His eyes were yellow. I felt paralyzed. The tiny sparks being erupted all over my body. Sparks? I don't understand. It felt like millions of tiny needles hitting me. Not hurt though. Pleasurable.

"Go back to bed Claire" just the way my name rolls off his tongue.

Made me want to melt...Claire! Stop it with those thoughts right now. He pulled the covers over me and his warmth left my body. I groaned out, my arm instinctively reached out for him. He sighed climbing into the bed with me. Red alert! Red alert! Claire get up and move! But no...instead just stay there like an idiot!

I felt him move a bit, turning as he was getting ready for bed. Then I heard the sound of clothing hit the floor. What did he just take off? Body...get up now! Yes this isn't my first time nor will it be my last time on this bed but I'm worried he might try and pull something. Maybe stay here a bit longer, we are just sleeping right? Just sleeping...

This pillow was so warm and so nice. It smelled nice as well. I can't put my finger on the scent. Maybe mint? It was comforting. Just something about this bed makes me pass out and sleep in comfort. I feel like I need to wake up though. When I did, I screamed my head off. It was out of instinct. The King shot up from his position, making himself pin me down by straddling me. Let me explain.

The earlier position was him, and me, our limbs were crossed as if we were playing twister. Yet this was in a bed. He has minimal clothing on. Just a pair of boxers. This is just lovely. He groaned seeing there was no danger.

"Why are you screaming so early in the morning?" He asked nicely. This must be another personality or is this just Damien? I still can't tell with him.

"You-You had...and had my-" I couldn't find the words.

I was very distracted by the obvious fact that he was straddling me with only his boxers. He hummed his eyes flicking down to my body as if he was looking at his next meal.

"Love its called cuddling. It was an accident. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable" yet he stayed in his position.

I couldn't move. His eyes flashed yellow for a second, he then grinned.

"My name is Liam. That's what your thinking right?"

"O-Oh um. H-Hi?" He shook his head getting up and off of me. He grabbed the chain from my ankle, snapping it off.

"Now that was bugging me all night long. You want some breakfast?" This one is casual. I can do casual.

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