Chapter Three

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~Thanks to everyone who is reading my story :) I honestly couldn't wait to post this chapter. Hope y'all like it! ~

I was in the middle of having the worse dream ever when a ringing noise woke me up. My eyes sprung open and I realized it was my phone ringing. I had been dreaming about what happened yesterday until my phone thankfully woke me up. I grabbed my iPhone from my clutch that was on the floor beside my bed. The caller ID said Tyler, I ignored it. I had no intentions on talking to him or Nicole.

Not only were they both ruining my life but they were ruining my dreams too. My dreams were my escape from reality, yet my reality was making it's way into them.

I growned and tiredly got out of my nice cozy bed. I didn't want to leave it but I new I had to since it was the first day of senior year.

As I thought about my senior year of high school, I got an idea. Maybe I needed to change this year. Every year was the same. Same long brown hair, same girly dresses. Maybe I needed to change up my style.

I smiled at the thought, nothing too drastic, just something to give me a different look.

I made my way to my bathroom and did my daily routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth. Once done I went to my dresser to pick out my clothes.

I pulled out my black skinny jeans I had bought a few weeks ago and paired it with a bright red v-neck shirt. I hurriedly got dressed and then walked over to my vanity.

Usually I wore my hair in curls or waves but today I decided to straighten it.

My hair was down to my lower back when it was straight and it had taken about 20 minutes to get it all straight. Maybe I should get it cut today after school.

Next I worked on my make up. Normally I only wore some eyeliner and mascara, and some lip gloss but today I decided to go bolder. I used black eyeshadow and created a Smokey eye. I put a thick line of eyeliner on my bottom waterline and then top off my eyes with some mascara.

I decided to be bold with my lips. I put on some bright red lipstick and some clear lip gloss to make it shine.

I looked over my appearance abd like what I saw. I looked different, but in a good way. I looked badass. No one would expect this from sweet innocent Katie, but now I was badass Katie.

I slipped on a pair of black ankle boots and grabbed my school bag and Iphone.

I made my way downstairs and to the front door. I locked the door and made my way to the garage. As I opened it, my pink bug stared me in the face and I frowned. How was badass Katie supposed to make an entrance with a pink bug? Something in the corner if the garage caught my eye. I looked over at it and smiled.

My dad had bought a sleek black motor bike. Something about a midlife crisis and want to feel young again. Of course my dad being my dad decided to teach me to drive it. My mom had been opposed to the idea but my dad didn't listen. At this very moment I was glad he taught me.

I smiled as I grabbed the keys and helmet and pulled it out of the garage. Once out of the garage, I threw my left leg over the bike and got on. I pulled the helmet over my head andvtucked my long hair into it. Once the helmet was secure, I started the bike. I revved the bike and took off to school.

On the way to school I stopped at a small little cafe to get a muffin like I usually do. I paid for the Double Chocolate Chip muffin. I slipped it in my bag for when I got to school. I did this everyday, stopped at Mimi's Cafe and got a muffin and sometimes a coffee.

I made my way to school and got there in no time. I pulled into a parking space and turned the bike off. I noticed everyone staring at me.

"Who is that?"

"Is she new?" 

"Hope she's hot" Were just some of the whispers I was able to catch.

I was nervous. I couldn't help but wonder if this was a bad idea. What would people say? Would they laugh?

I pushed my thoughts aside and took a deep breath.

I slowly started to pull the helmet off, well here goes nothing......

~Well here's chapter three! I've been thinking about posting two chapters a day since I have nothing else to do lol. well hope y'all like it :) ~ XOXO

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