Chapter 5: Unusual circumstances

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Jason grabbed the woman in front of him gingerly by her shoulder as to not scare that poor girl any further. He thought that he would have been done with the sinners before his little lady woke up, but that wasn't the case. 

The teens had found a body and warned each other before he was able to get rid of every single one of them. They had nowhere to go anyways since he made sure to trap the exits and sabotage their cars. However, there was still a particularly  evasive handful of individuals that he wasn't able to eliminate yet. 

He quickly pulled her up, facing the young woman's back. With her standing before him ,shivering as if she was subjected to the coldest of winters, she seemed even smaller to him. 

He heard her whimper in fear. So he put both of his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them in a soothing manner. He tried to calm her, convey to her that she wasn't in danger. But to no avail. 

Reese was staring at the ground, feeling his warm grip on her. The seconds they spent in this position only frightened her more, her thinking that he was deciding her fate. Jason however was watching her shaky frame very calmly, waiting for her to turn around. 

She didn't understand what the man wanted. Their thoughts were so very different. 

He grabbed her wrist from behind and caused her to whimper in fear. The masked man lifted her hands to the level of her head and lingered for a moment before letting go. He was trying to tell her what happened yesterday, but that only daunted her more. 

He wanted her to understand him, to not fear or hate him like the others did. So he tried again, this time rougher than before. He turned her around and pushed her against a tree, placing his hands left and right of her head, just like the offender did the night before. 

He saw streams of tears rolling down her cheeks and her lower lip quiver with dread. He instantly removed his hands, indicating that the criminal didn't harm her, and that he wasn't going to either. 

But by then the damage was done, the woman now paralyzed with fear, believing that her death would be a long and humiliating one.

At that point he was desperate for her to understand him. He didn't want to upset her any further, and he didn't want her to believe that he was going to harm her. He never wanted a voice more than he did at that moment. 

He pointed his finger at her lips, and then at his machete. Reese didn't understand, did he want her to keep quiet or else she would end like Tess? He noticed her confusion, pointed at the spot where his lips were supposed to be, then at hers and then at his machete again. 

Something just clicked in her mind and she let out a sigh of relief, sinking to her knees. The murderer in front of her ended the molesters life.  Jason sighed as well, felling his nerves calm as she finally understood what he was trying to tell her. 

She looked into his blue eyes. They were like nothing she had ever seen before. 

Reese's lips parted and she stuttered quietly "y-you...-"her sentence being interrupted by a an ear ripping screech. 

Reese looked at the source of the scream only to see Minnie watching them in pure horror, knowing very well what Jason was capable of. 

Jason didn't hesitate and was quick to follow the intruder, cracking his neck in order to get more comfortable. 

"Please..." whispered Reese, an attempt to keep him from killing, making the man stop in his tracks. He looked at her for a split second, but the voice of his mother pushed him further, and he was not one to disobey her. He had to do his job. 

And with that Reese was left with countless questions and her body still filled to the brim with adrenaline.

The blonde swallowed. Her mouth felt as dry as a summers day in the desert while her cheeks burned from her salty tears. Her gaze turned to Tess's body and she grabbed the young girls hand. She didn't know her by any means, but she still felt pity for her. Reese closed the girls eyelids, noticing her strong black lashes. She was quite attractive for her age. 

The woman's breathing was irregular. Who's wouldn't be after such an event? But what should she do now? She couldn't drive, and even if she could the cars were useless. Get her phone and call the police? The nearest town was 3 hours worth of driving away. even if she'd call them she doubted there would be anyone left to save.

Besides, she didn't even know what to make of that man. He saved her from her from the man that got to close with her and he spared her life. 

"Hey!" she heard a rash voice. It was the boy who sat next to Mike on their journey to this place. "YOU'RE with the monster!" he accused her as he rashly grabbed her arm. "w-what?" she managed to mumble. "You...! He didn't kill you!" shouted the boy, his eyes wandering between Tess and Reese in disgust.  "I ... no! I-I have no buiss-" tried the woman. "Yeah right!" mocked the boy and slapped the woman across her face, causing her tears to escape her green orbs once more. "You made him kill us!" shouted the boy and lifted his hand to hit the artist again. She freed herself from his grasp and ran as fast as her legs would allow it. 

This couldn't be true, it was all just a nightmare, she thought, no, hoped, wished. Her right cheekbone stung, reminding her of her previous wounds, the ones after the car crash. 

"Get BACK here!" screamed the boy, darting after her. She went into the depths of the forest, trying to find her little camp while hoping to escape the danger. She stumbled because of the branches, got scratched by the thorns of the bushes, and so did the boy, but neither of them stopped. 

She yelped when she tripped over a log, falling to the ground and hitting her knee against a sharp rock. Her fingers felt icy again, and her eyes begged her to let them roll into the back of her head, but she knew she couldn't pass out. She got up and continued to run again, the boy now much closer to her then before. 

She never thought anything like this would ever happen to her. She had a peaceful life, being an independent artist and spending most of her time in nature. 

She saw a big silhouette in the corner of her eye, grabbing her quite roughly by her upper arm. The blonde felt something under her foot that wasn't the soft forest floor. It was hard. She get pulled back before the bear trap snapped and gasped in fear. 

Jason jumped in at just the right moment, saving his little lady and and her leg from the attacker. The boy instantly came to a stop as he saw the masked man. He noticed a bright blue bruise on her cheekbone as he held her close to his chest to prevent her from falling. He looked into her green eyes that looked at him with so much innocence and hope. 

His eyes were filled with primal fury. 

"protect her" he heard his mother whisper. 

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