Chapter 8: Your Sparkles

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Reese felt her blood rushing to her cheeks, pushing away from the man and trying to pull the shirt further down. "W-what?" she managed to squeak while looking into the mans abashed eyes as he was looking all around the place and holding his hands in the air like a child that tried to say that they were innocent of whatever they have been accused of. 

Was he trying to say he didn't do it on purpose?

Jason however, was just as surprised at his own actions as the little lady in front of him. He had just toyed with the idea of touching her skin for mere seconds, and now he was expecting both the wrath of his mother for his foolish endeavor, and the one of his new friend. 

But his mother didn't scold him for his actions, and neither did the girl. Weren't they upset? Maybe his mother was so angry at him that she gave him the silent treatment? Jason couldn't stand that thought!

But maybe it was an exception? Just like when he was younger and his body changed, urging him to do things he didn't understand?  Maybe it was just like that, for that time his mother hadn't been mad at him either. 

Innocent curiosity, she called it back then

He had so many questions for the freckled artist, was longing to find out about so many things. 

But most of all, he wanted the loneliness to go away. 

All those years he spent by himself without a comforting hug or the warmth of another person took quite the toll on the way he behaved. You could almost call it feral. Never learning the etiquette most kids learned along their way into adulthood, or even how to communicate with others. And him lacking a voice made it considerably harder to convey anything to the woman he wanted take care of from now on. 

And he didn't quite knew how to apologize to the lady he wronged. 

When Reese observed the all flustered and worked up man attempting to explain himself, she couldn't help herself but snicker in amusement. 

She figured that it was an accident, yet feeling the imprints of his hands still lingering on her skin. It was quite the odd sensation, but she decided to not put much thought to it, for Jason didn't mean to make her uncomfortable. 

Jason was confused at her lighthearted reaction, staring at her in a surprised manner as she handed him his jacket and bear. He adored the toy, it was one of the few things left of his mother. Remembering her, he grabbed his little lady by her wrist, gently tugging her along as he acknowledged again how fragile she was. 

He thought that his mother would want to meet the girl she ordered to protect back at the camp. And so he reached for the handle to one of the rooms that Reese was to reluctant to enter before. 

She however, wasn't aware that he was trying to simply show her something. She didn't really know what to expect, but closed her eyes nonetheless when she shoved her into the room. 

It reeked of death, but not as extreme as back at the camp. This scent seemed to be old, mild and somehow ominous one. He softly pushed her against a little table, encouraging her to find out about what was in front of her. 

She brushed her fingers over some notches that were engraved in the table. "P-a-m-e-l-a V-o-o-r-h-e-e-s" She whispered as she deciphered the letters in the table. The man behind her let out a satisfied "huff", brushing his fingers gently over her eyelids, asking her to open them and see what he was trying to show her. 

She opened them slowly and stared breathlessly into dark empty sockets. She felt a shock traveling up her body, making her gasp before pulling back. 

Her back hit his lower chest and he put his hands on her shoulders to keep her in place. 

Reese saw the decapitated head of a woman resting on a beige sweater. The skin was beyond description, her hair consisted of mere strands and she lacked any form of eyes, lips and other soft parts of a face. 

Countless candles and flowers surrounded the woman's head, making it seem as if the table was some sort of shrine. 

Reese turned to face Jason and tried to escape his grasp. The sight of the shrine deeply upset  the woman. But Jason didn't budge, instead turning her face back to his mother. 

"Is she your sister?" asked Reese in a shaky voice, the shared last name leading her to believe that she was the killers relative. Jason shook his head and put a hand on the girls stomach. 

"You daughter?" she asked in an unsure tone. He sighed and repeated the gesture, this time pointing at himself at the end. 

And then it clicked. Reese had heard the story of a great tragedy at the camp. From the seller at the farmers market to the teens at last nights party, everyone was telling it. 

Everyone was talking about a disfigured boy who was pushed into the lake by his peers and drowned while the counselors were getting at it like rabbits. His mother snapped, taking revenge on the teens, but died at their hands. And legends said that the boy returned, keeping each and everyone away from the camp and avenging his mothers demise. 

But this little boy grew up into a man, and was now trying to make the blonde understand who this decapitated person was. 

"She was your mother" said Reese, still not believing how she could have forgotten about the story. The man nodded but kept his hands still on the woman's shoulders. The fact that he was keeping his mothers head with him didn't soothe her at all, if anything it made her tense up even more. 

She looked around the room, noticing that the room was fairly small and that other than the shrine there was no more furniture in that room. 

She felt stings at the back of her head, the new revelation and the smell of death causing her head to hurt.

Now would be the time to get the Aspirin. 

"Excuse me, I need my medicine" she murmured and Jason was quick to follow her outside as she picked the soaked dungarees out of the lake and searched for something to relieve her of her pain. 

A memory of a disgusting liquid popped into his mind. He remembered the medicine he used to take as a child. It was disgusting and burned his throat. He could hardly understand how she would want to take something like that voluntarily. 

But when he saw her take out pills instead of medicine as he knew it, he felt anger boil inside of his chest. She seemed so nice and she was just going to do drugs like the others?

Jason snatched the pills from her hands, grabbing her quite roughly by her chin, demanding an explanation for why she would take something as filthy as a drug. 

Her pained expression caused him to loosen his grip, remembering her odd tendency to fall asleep on the spot when pressured. But the anger within his blue eyes remained. 

He was used to teens taking pills in order to get their high, so he thought that all of them were drugs, when in reality the one he was denying Reese was a weak pain reliever that would make her evening much less bitter. 

"I-Its against headaches" she stuttered in fear and watched Jasons eyes softened. He was unsure about the pills, but he didn't want the girl to suffer. So he handed her the pills reluctantly and watched her take one with a questioning expression. 

She nodded at him, reassuring him that it was harmless. 

He watched her thoroughly, and watched her cheeks turn rosy as she evaded his gaze, feeling uncomfortable for being started at like this. He tensed up himself when he himself noticed how eagerly he was analyzing her brown sparkles, instantly feeling ashamed for it.

He pointed at her freckles, and then put his hand on where his cheeks were supposed to be under the mask. 

"My freckles...?" she asked and noticed how he was avoiding looking at them. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Most people think they're ugly, but I don't cover them." said the blonde, now embarrassed herself for having these flaws in the first place.

He couldn't believe that people would think of them as ugly. He huffed in displeasure, putting his hand on her cheek and stroking it gently with his thumb, as if to comfort her about her looks. 

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