Chapter 42-He Shouldn't Have Done That

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"Damn you, you Canadian flag mother fucker..."

You were speeding along, trying your hardest to catch up to Todoroki who was only a little distance away, but the pace he was going at would not let you close that distance.

The next obstacle came up as you weren't hesitating to go through the huge chasms in the ground with small little islands as a cracked pattern layered the obstacle. Single ropes connect the islands together to get to the other side as looking down would be a fatal mistake.

Todoroki was stopping enough for you to catch up as he was figuring out how to get across this with using his quirk.

"Too slow," You said as you rode your quirk in midair, suspending above the huge ravines to get where you wanted.

"Too easy," Todoroki said as he had a serious face on while he used your own bridge to make a path for him, slightly freezing it to speed up the travel.

"Ha! Too gullible," You laughed as you looked behind you while you safely landed on one of the islands as you placed a hand on the bridge.


The crystallized bridge started to deteriorate at a frightening speed as Todoroki widened his eyes while before he could react, your crystal bridge disappeared into thin air while the ice was too thin too support him.

He started to fall as you watched him plunge into the chasm. However, he reacted in time as he was able to grab the rope while you smiled as you continued your race while you were honestly trying to run away from Bakugo as he was catching up.

"HOLD IT YOU DECK OF CARDS PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Bakugo was screaming from afar as he was just powering through, midair while you sped up greatly, trying to avoid the menace.

Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running and you won't die...

Todoroki growled as he made his way by trying to scuffle along the rope.

Luckily, you were too lazy too look back and keep Todoroki at bay so the other bridges you used were left unattended and would be a help to the other contestants.

It's fine anyway...It'll only help them if their legs won't be paralyzed by the time they step into the bridge...

Todoroki then used this chance to make a way for himself as he was the one now, trying to catch up as he used his ice to cover the bridge making thicker layers next time just in case of your trickery.

The next obstacle was the land mines.

The ground was flat, but there were these circular imprints of the brown dirt, hinting where the explosives were.

You looked at one intensively, just out of curiosity-

You stepped on one.

Fatality「Shouto TodorokxReader」BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now