Chapter 58-For Now

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"Okay, Satan. I'm here and ready to go to hell now," You mocked as you walked into Nedzu's office nonchalantly. Nedzu politely sat at his desk with his paws crossed as you wanted to slit your own throat.

"Come. Sit down Shinoyami. Have some tea with me," Nedzu said as he took out a porcelain cup

"Fuck your tea," You said, angry and pissed. You already knew where this conversation was gonna go off to,"And wipe that smug ass grin off your face, you defected Mickie Mouse. I'm not in the mood for it."

"Now, now. That's enough," Nedzu cut you off before your insults could get worse,"I'm simply here to discuss something with you."

"Save it, Asswipe. Whatever, I lost the bet. So what? " You hissed as you slumped into a cushioned leather chair in front of him.

"So what is that the villainess I know never loses her bets," Nedzu flaunted as you rolled your eyes,"Since when does the Queen of Cards not have the upper hand? Since when does the Joker Of Hearts...Break her own heart?"

"You don't know jack shit about me," You barked at him with an intense aura backing you,"I've got my own reasons to why things happen. If I lose, I make sure I don't lose more than I bargained for, you got that? So kindly please and thank you-"

"Fuck off "

"I never assumed that you didn't have your reasons. Everybody...Has their reasons. Even unreasonable people like you,"Nedzu said, always passively smug about everything,"Although, I'd be happy to hear about those reasons if you will.

"Hah, fine. Reason one. Fuck. Reason two. You,"You said with a cheeky smile on your face.

Nedzu smiled quaintly as he continued,"You might not ever be so gracious to reveal what I want to know now...But all will be revealed...Sooner than later,"

"Mmhm. Is that what you think.." You laughed with a snarky grin.

"By the way.." Nedzu started off precariously as it caught your attention. His black beast eyes stared at you while he said,"You're going on a trip. You can kiss that prison cell goodbye for a few days,"

Trip? What kind of trip?...

"Cut the bullshit Nedzu. What're you talking about that makes you sound like you have your head up your ass?" You sighed as Nedzu suddenly sent a shiver down your spine with a piercing gaze.

"A little birdie told me..." Nedzu slowly rambled on.

Your breath hitched. Your heart was beating faster. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins.

What does he know?...

You almost started to sweat while you were anticipating Nedzu's next words.

"...That you met with a certain hero," Nedzu finished his sentence. A million thoughts went through your head.

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