Stumbling a bit as Draco passed through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4, he looked around at the familiar faces and the scent of the steam, emitting from the train they were to be boarding in five minutes, waved through his pale blonde hair.
If Draco has a choice, which he never seemed to have, he wouldn't be returning for the so called Eighth Year. But it was part of a deal he had with the ministry. If he passed all his subjects and stayed out of trouble for the whole year then he wouldn't have to join his mother and father in Azkaban. It was a small price to pay for freedom, Draco wagered.
"Good to be back?" Blaise grimaced from his side.
"Salazar no," Draco replied.
Pansy roller her eyes, "You're just grumpy because you're in muggle clothes. Really, darling, being a snob isn't an attractive trait."
"Bit of pot calling the kettle black, Pansy." He raised an eyebrow, and gestures to the phone sticking out of her pocket. "Need I remind you about the boy you left on read because he didn't have a wealthy family?"
In all honesty, Draco found he didn't detest muggle clothing as much as he first thought. He was clad in dark wash jeans, which hugged his thin legs and arse perfectly, and a Slytherin green t shirt. Even though all Eighth Years would be sharing a common room, Draco was still going to support his rightful house colours.
"That is completely different!" Pansy was saying, "There's no harm in wanting a man who'd be able to take care of me and my needs-"
"Because you have so many of those." Blaise cut in sarcastically, which earned him a hard elbow in the ribs from the black haired girl.
The talk of phones reminded Draco of something odd that had happened the night before.
"Hey, where d'you reckon Potter is?" He asked, as they boarded the train, distracting them from their bickering.
"I dunno." Blaise shrugged, "Why'd you care? There's a spare carriage down there by the way." He added, jerking his head in the direction.
"Well...something happened last night and, I don't know, it shook me I guess." Draco replied, settling down in a window seat.
"Oh I'm sorry did Dumbledore just raise from the dead?" Pansy said loudly, flinging herself onto the seat opposite him,"Quit being so cryptic and just tell us."
Draco snorted and shook his head at his friend, "He requested to follow me on Instagram last night, he DM'd me and we were chatting for hours."
Blaise's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline, "Potter? As in Harry Potter?"
"Yes, Blaise." Draco sighed impatiently, "I was speaking with Harry Potter." It felt weird to say it out loud, especially since they hadn't uttered a word to each other since the final battle. Unless you counted the testimony Harry provided at his trial, but Draco didn't.
"And there weren't any threats? Curses? Insults?"
"Oh my god, you were sexting weren't you? You fucking slut, I love you." Pansy grinned.
The blonde made an indignant sound and scoffed, "No Blaise, it was a very civil conversation. And as for you, Pansy," he continued in a much sterner voice, "I'll have you know that I am not the kind of person to do that. Let alone with Harry fucking Potter."
"Um what?" A familiar voice said. Deep and husky but you could tell, even without having a clear view, that the person was grinning. "Did I hear my name?"
"Potter!" Draco jumped and turned to face him. Harry was standing in the doorway, Hermione and Ron behind him. He seemed to have grown over the summer, if not the same height as Draco he was probably taller. The sleeves of his black top were tight and straining, which made the blonde wonder wether his abs was as toned as his arms obviously were. Mouth dry, Draco's eyes wandered back up to look at Potter's face.
That messy black hair was still the same, although now it looked to be styled that way. Disheveled yet soft, giving off the perfect 'just shagged' look. The most significant change though, had to be that the oh so famous, trademark Harry Potter spectacles, were missing. Apparently, the bastard had gotten contact lenses. However infuriating, Draco was forced to admit that they really did make his green eyes brighter."What my dear friend, Draco here, is failing to ask is, why are you here, Potter?" Pansy questioned. There was no hint of a sneer or disgust in her face or voice. She was simply looking at Harry and his friends as if they hadn't just been through a war against each other.
Harry laughed, eyes lingering on Draco before answering, "All the other carriages are full, mind if we sit with you?"
"Not at all," she replied. Harry thanked her and took the seat next to Draco. Hermione sat in between Pansy and Ron and Blaise was on the other side of Draco.
As Potters legs seemed to be never ending, he spread himself out, sitting almost uncomfortably close to Draco. The only thing that seemed to make it bearable was that the green eyed boy smelled like butter beer and dry leaves.
"So," Granger began in an obvious way to fill the awkward silence, "what subjects is everyone taking?"
"Always eager to talk about school," Blaise smirked, "some things never change."
"Blaise," Pansy hissed, not so subtly aiming a kick to the Italian boys shin.
Granger smiled, seemingly unruffled by Blaise's comment and launched into a speech about an Arithmacy book she had just finished.
Draco joined in occasionally, giving the odd nod or 'really?' Although mainly he left the task of conversation to Pansy and Blaise. Glancing over to Potter, who hadn't said a word since sitting down, Draco noticed he was on his phone. Not only was he on his phone but Potter seemed to be stalking the blondes Instagram feed.
Furrowing his brows as he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket, Draco managed to get it out rather subtly and opened the notification he had received from Instagram.
HarryPotter has sent you a message!
HarryPotter: You look so hot in this.
Attached was a picture of Draco that Pansy had taken by the lake of Malfoy Manor. His blonde hair was slightly wet and the white t shirt he was wearing was damp and clung tightly to his chest. Draco looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, the other boy ignored Draco and carried on starring at his phone, waiting for a reply.
DracoMalfoyy: Why are you texting me?
HarryPotter: Technically, it's not texting. I'm not fortune enough to have your number yet :)
DracoMalfoyy: Weirdo.
HarryPotter: Be that as it may, I have proof that you're a weirdo too.
DracoMalfoyy: I'll believe it when I see it 🙄HarryPotter has attached a pic!
It was one with him and Blaise, Blaise was smiling, not looking at the camera; probably eyeing up some girl. And Draco was looking directly at the camera, tongue sticking out and held his fingers up in a peace sign.
DracoMalfoyy: fuck you.
HarryPotter: maybe later.
DracoMalfoyy: oof, that was bad lol.
HarryPotter: cheesy pickup lines are a secret talent of mine ;)
DracoMalfoyy: I've noticed.
Seen."Harry, who're you texting, mate?" Ron interrupted. "It's not that same person from last night is it?"
Draco struggled to keep the look of shock/horror off his face.
"Something like that," Harry replied vaguely before shutting his phone down and putting his phone in his back pocket. His arm nudged Draco in the side whilst doing so and the blonde spent the rest of the journey wondering why it had made his stomach flip.
This is my first fic, sorry if it sucks and I know it's very cliche BUT ITS MY SONS SO DEAL WITH IT!!! <3

Drarry Instagram // Eighth Year
FanfictionHarry sent an Instagram friend request to Draco Malfoy the night before they had to return for Hogwarts Eighth Year, they start talking and VideoChatting as friends. Will it ever be more than that? -> FOR SOME REASON THEY ALL HAVE PHONES AND SOCIAL...