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PansiePark has sent a message to The Sensational Six!

PansiePark: I literally cannot stress enough how badly I need a party.

PansiePark: I have so many fabulous outfits and never any place to wear them to...

DracoMalfoyy: I felt that in my soul.

HarryPotter: Okay but hear me out

HarryPotter: Why would you go to a party when you can steal snacks from the kitchens and bury yourself in a cocoon of blankets.

RonW: I felt that in my soul ^

DracoMalfoyy: Sorry I didn't realise I was dating an OAP.

HarryPotter: The fuck did you just call me, babe??

PansiePark: Babe.

DracoMalfoyy: Old Age Pensioner.

HarryPotter: ... LOVIE!!!!

DracoMalfoyy: <3

HermioneJean: Every single time. Every single time I say it.

HermioneJean: How do we always manage to get off of topic so quickly?!

HermioneJean: This is why you lot aren't studying as much as you should! You all have the attention span of gnats!

DracoMalfoyy: ... I'd rather party with my friends :)

BlaizeZabi: Yeah

BlaizeZabi: Too bad you don't have any friends.

DracoMalfoyy: This is... literally a groupchat... with all my friends??????

PansiePark: No passive aggression in the groupchat please.

BlaizeZabi: -_-



HarryPotter: I'm just saying if we start throwing parties for shits and giggles we're gonna get a reputation.

RonW: Pretttttyy sure we already have a reputation mate.

HarryPotter: :/

BlaizeZabi: Willy nilly.

HarryPotter: Do you think I enjoy living with the fact that that just came out of my mouth?

HarryPotter: No. The answer is no, I do not.

PansiePark: I love you all but you're terribly boring to me now, so meet you down in the common room at 9. Be there or be a HufflePuff!

DracoMalfoyy: Take that back, I could never bore you.

PansiePark: Of course not, you're my favourite just don't tell anyone xoxo

RonW: ... Does she realise this is a groupchat??

"Draco, darling open the fuck up!" Pansy yelled, banging on the door of Blaise and Draco's shared dorm room.

Blaise opened the door with his wand from where he sat at the desk. Pansy walked in, eyes darting around the room until she saw him, "Oh hello, Blaise! What are you doing here?" She asked, going over to kiss his cheek.

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