Chapter 1

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"For the last time, Bruce, I'm not going to sign up for that stupid school trip." I slam my locker shut, revealing a shook Bruce Banner.

"Ah, c'mon, this is my only chance to go to Paris and I don't want to go without you. Plus, it's only a week?" He pleads.

I sigh. Bruce has been asking me to go with him for weeks now. Today is the last day you can sign up.

In my head, I go through every single detail of the trip that doesn't make a good impression on me.

Teachers watching everywhere. A long flight. Stupid people coming. Having to listen to boring city guides.

And on the positive side;

Having fun with my friends. Being away from home.

Was it worth it? Probably the worst con, was that the 'popular' football kids were going. Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson. Ugh.

But Bruce really wanted it and Clint and Stephen were going too and being away from my dad was honestly almost enough to make me forget all the cons on the trip to Paris..

"Okay, I'll go." I mutter as I walk before Bruce to the chemistry classroom.

"What did you say?" He exclaims in disbelieve.

"Oh, don't make me say it again. We'll go sign up during lunch break, before you make me change my mind." I say, slightly chuckling at my friend's enthusiasm.

"Wooo! I knew you'd say yes. And by the way, how bad can it be? It's not like you're going to have to sleep in the same room as Steve Rogers." He says, eyeing at Steve just walking by with his stupid football friends.

He is wearing his letterman jacket and his hair slightly moves up and down with every step he takes. Barnes and Wilson walk nonchalantly at his sides.

I don't know why I hate Rogers. Or maybe I do. He's like the stereotypical football guy. And a stereotypical good guy. In other words: the opposite of me.

I know, I know, "you can't hate someone without a valid reason!"
Well believe me, sometimes you can. Sometimes you just don't like someone.

We arrive at the classroom and I plop into my seat next to Bruce.

"Alright, listen up kids. Your final exams are coming this year so if you don't want to mess them up, pay attention!" The teacher says.

He uses the 'final exams' excuse every time. Just because we're in 12th grade doesn't mean that they have to hack us up with extra homework and test..

As the teacher talks about chemistry, I copy the notes on the board.

The class goes by in a haze, just like the one after that. When it's finally lunch break, Bruce and I immediately go to the administration office to sign up for the school trip.

"Please fill in this sheet and let your parents leave a signature. Paying is done online, if you don't pay, you can't go." The woman in the office says.

I grab the sheet and we start walking down the hall again. "Hope my parents will sign it." I say.

"Yeah, I hope so too. How are things at home anyways?" Bruce asks as we go stand in line to get our food.

I grumble. "Don't want to talk about it. Let's just state that my dad is a dictator."

I know Bruce is only trying to make sure his friend is okay, but I really hate talking about my home situation. I don't want to be that one kid who always has daddy issues.

"Alright alright. It's just that.. we're all a little worried about you, Tony." He says as we sit down at a table with Clint and Stephen.

"Hey, don't worry about me! Worry about your love life," I say, pointing at his chest, "Paris is the city of love, right? You know who's coming on the trip too..."

"No? Who is it?" He says, his cheeks turning the color of a tomato.

Clint laughs, "I think you know who he means, Bruce."

"Hey, what a coincidence.. There he is!" Stephen joins us in teasing Bruce as he points at a blonde haired guy walking past our table.

He just walks through the cafeteria but immediately gets a lot of attention from the girls. Thor.

He and Steve Rogers are the most wanted at the school. I'll admit, Thor is better than Steve. He's a little weird but kind. Like, he may be a popular football guy™ too, but he doesn't act like one.

"He's not even gay." Bruce says softly as he presses his hands against his cheeks to coolen them.

"You never know," I smirk at him and wiggle my eyebrows, "In Paris you'll get the chance to seduce him."

"Oh shut up," Bruce answers, but he doesn't succeed in hiding the soft smile on his face.

I laugh at him a little and start eating my cheeseburger when Pepper walks in our direction.

She kisses my cheek and sits down next to me. She's been my girlfriend for about 4 months now and things are going pretty well.

"So? Did you guys sign up for the school trip yet?" She asks us.

"Gee is that trip the only topic people can talk about nowadays?" I ask her, kind of annoyed.

But she just nudges my arm chuckles, "It's in two weeks already! Don't you want to go?"

"Meh. But someone forced me to sign up for it." I say, giving Bruce a glare.

"I'm sorry okay," he laughs, probably just happy that the topic changed so fast, "But are you going too, Pepper?"

"Yeah I am." Then she whispers in my ear, "Sad thing there'll be separate sleeping rooms for boys and girls, huh?"

I give her a dirty smirk, "Well no one can stop me in kidnapping you to somewhere private." I whisper back.

"Yeah I heard that." Bruce says, "Why do I always hear things that aren't meant for my ears?"

I laugh, "Well you and Thor sure won't have problems with the separate room thing, huh?"

Bruce just grunts, knowing that nothing he can do will make me stop trying to get him and Thor together.

Hmm, I think, maybe that school trip will be more interesting than I thought.


Yay the first chapter! :)

I'm sorry for the straightness (*ahem* pepperony) but I promise that will change soon enough :))

Hope you guys like it! And see ya soon in the next chapter 💞

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