Chapter 18

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When I wake up, I can't imagine a better place to be. I wake up in Steve's arms. His warm embrace is so comforting I close my eyes again to enjoy it a little longer.

"Don't do that." Steve smiles in my hair, "Or we'll never be able to get up."

A little startled I turn my head to face him and smile, "Hello to you too."

"Good morning, sunshine."

"It is a good morning indeed!" Thor walks out of the bathroom in a shirt and a towel, "Wait why are the two of you in the same bed?"

I raise my eyebrows and smirk, "Because-"

"Tony couldn't sleep." Steve says quickly before I can say the R-rated thing I wanted to say, earning a nasty look from him at which I smile kindly.

"Alright. But if I didn't know you I'd say you guys really-"

"Okay, yeah. We get it." Steve clears his throat awkwardly. 

I love Thor's straightforwardness and I also love how Steve hates it. He's so shy and awkward when it comes to this kind of stuff, it's really kinda adorable.

When Steve moves away from where he was laying, I groan. I don't fucking want to start the day. 

Steve pats my shoulder, "Get up, sleepyhead."


I walk down the stairs, busily talking to Steve as he listens to my rants about my thought on Paris and about what we'll do today. When we go into the restaurant, laughing and joking, I spot Pepper waiting for me with an empty space next to her and my good mood seems to fade a little.

Steve nudges my shoulder in an attempt to encourage me. I nod at him, "Here goes nothing."

"Hey!" Pepper greets me happily when I sit down cringing, "Had a good night's sleep?"

I nod, eyeing Steve, who seems to be fighting the smile creeping up his face.

"Listen Pepper, I actually wanted to tal-"

"Guys, guess what!" Bucky sits down with such enthusiasm that everyone looks up from their food or conversations.

I grumble. Why am I interrupted every time I try to break up with Pepper?

"You finally learned how to make a towel hat?!" Natasha asks happily.

"What the fuck is a towel hat?" Sam frowns.

"I think it's the hat-inspired thing woman tend to make out of their towel after showering to let their hair dry quicker." Bruce says sternly.

"What the fuck?" Sam laughs at Bucky, "You do that too?"

"It's not only for woman!" Bucky exclaims.

"I agree, or I'd be a woman myself." Thor states sternly.

Natasha laughs, "I think we can all say that-"

"Not the point." Bucky interrupts Natasha, giving her a glare, "What I wanted to say is.." He does the jazz hands, "We're doing an escape room today!"

I want to be grumpy because he interrupted me, but I can't stop the thought going through my head: this could be a lot of fun..


"In groups of four, you are going to enter a part of this building. Under time restriction, you have to complete tasks to get out of the building. The team that gets out first wins." The instructor pauses for a second and pulls a dead face, "Oh and don't expect it to not be scary."

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