Letter 6

18 1 0

Dear Chase,

                     They forced me to go the doctor the other day and I was diagnosed with severe depression. I was given medication and quite frankly I hate it. I don't like the feeling it gives me. It doesn't take the pain away, it just masks it. I don't feel like myself anymore. It's like it's just making mr realise how i'm not me anymore, i've lost myself.

No one understands me anymore, NO ONE. Everyone says I will get over it and forget you but in reality I don't want to just forget someone who installed the meaning of happiness in my brain, it's just too hard.

I started lying to my councillor, i'm not proud of that. It just seems easier to feed them what they want to hear rather than to tell them the frightening thing I call the truth.

i'm done with everything right now. I'm done with waking up in the middle of the night scared and not being able to call you. I miss you Chase, I truly do.

Yours forever 

Anna xx

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