The huge bomb

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Chapter: 1

"You'll never believe this!!" Kyle called from down the hill. "What?!?" I replied. "I made it into the army!!". A tear escape from my eye, but I quietly wiped it away."Oh great" I said bravely not wanting to give away my actual feelings. I really wanted to be happy for him,but.... But I couldn't. We have been friends for years since kindey garden and play school!! We had a bond. I never wanted him to get hurt and In the army he could get himself KILLED!!


It was the last year of school for us year 13. Apparently the best years of your life, but I didn't feel it knowing at the end of the year that Kyle would be leaving..... To the ARMY of all places!!!

"Hey Sammy", "Hey Kyle" he said "What do you have first he said looking longingly into his phone. "English....I think, How about you?", "just the usual... you know math" he replied still looking even concentrating on his phone. "What's on your phone that's so interesting ky??" "Nothing just playing a know" as he laughed and winked. "Boys these days!!" I replied giggling a little. He just looked at me and smiled his dreamy white teeth. "Yeah I guess I'm just a gamer, I'm doing it while I can you know army and all"." yeah I know"and I did I was still trying to get passed that, but he seemed so passionate about the army like he wanted to die!!

"Hey are you okay? you seem a bit upset every time I say something about the army". My heart cracked a bit like it was made of glass. He put his hand on my shoulder for concern. This was my chance to tell him, but could I say No I hate that your leaving me. It seemed a bit selfish. I would be crushing his dream to die, but I had to tell him I had to say......

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