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This is a flash back about my life it all started when Emily was the new student at school and she was a nerd and I thought maybe she will be the perfect person to bully i bulled her until she said something
Luke:what you gonna do hit me I dare you
Emily:fighting is not the answer violence is not the answer*cries*the only way to stop this is to talk to you with no violence
Luke:haha haha dose it look like I wanna talk to a nerd like you yeah right
Emily: bullying is marking people kill them self and that person who bullied cause that person to die so you see all those people who you bullied didn't leave they died because all the pain you brought to them you brought them to a terrible place and you caused it all
Luke:t hat's not true your lying
Emily:my friend came here maybe you know her she died and her last words were "Luke did this to me now I wanna end my life"those were her last words
Luke:I ...I*runs away
      End of flashback

One more thing I didn't do the flashback it was my friend hope you enjoy this chapter that she made LunaRomualdo go to her story and give it at of likes thx😀

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