*They all got to school* Luke POV People kept staring at my car, of course, people are gonna to be staring at my car it's the coolest car ever Emily pov I saw this cool car came in the parking lot my mouth just open wide this was the coolest and The minute someone came out I knew who it was luke Luke pov I was thinking that I to throw a party at my house just for fun Because my parents were out of town for two weeks I am going to invite the whole school Luke: Hey everyone party at my house at 7:00 Everybody: yay Emily: should I go Zoe Zoe: of course Emily: fine I'll go to this party hopefully I don't get drunk ~the end of the school day~ Emily pov It was around 4:30 So I should get ready for the party because the party started at 7:00 so I want to find a dress to put for the party and I picked this one
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Emily make up
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Emily pov Still I straighten my hair and when I finish it was around 6:30 and Zoe Is going to pick me up Luke pov It was Around 5:30 and I took a shower got ready into this
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Luke pov still People are starting to come to my house and after a few minutes later Emily came to the party and damn she look hot as fuck
Emily pov I got to Luke house and damn he look so hot and I kind of blackout in space for a few seconds Luke snap his fingers at me I walk into the party Luke: hey Emily Emily:heyy Luke. I will be Over there if you need anything Emily: okay ~ A few minutes late ~