Chapter 9 abandoned visions

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I don't wanna edit today so I edited one story thing and I'll add a part ig I'm at school rn tho and I'm tired so it may not be the best part and I'll try editing before publishing also I'll edit chapter 8 soon

-Arthur's pov-

Everything hurt I couldn't stop thinking about a weird buck and I had weird thoughts of John but he was older and he was chasing after Dutch in some sort of cave? I'm not sure I just couldn't stop thinking of it. I tried getting up but Dutch pushed me down, it's weird because when he's drunk it's like he is stronger. I hugged Dutch and then pulled him into bed, "why the hell-" I was cut off by self coughing and I fell to my knees coughing up blood. The tuberculosis had gotten very bad and I couldn't really control when I coughed anymore. I coughed more for about 10 minutes straight with blood pouring out of my mouth and what seemed like a wrap around my stab wound that was already soaked through.

 I looked at Dutch and wiped my mouth slowly rising up to my feet again. "Why the hell is micah still aloud here?" I gave dutch a glare and pushed him down to the bed. I didn't care if he helped me or not he's the god damn reason Micah got me! Dutch didn't make eye contact with me and just looked away he looked ashamed of himself, but I wasn't going to just give him pity because he was feeling sorry for himself! I punched Dutch and held my chest and limped out of the tent I sat down against the tent and held on to the wound. 

I saw micah walk over and I started coughing and stoped as soon as he kicked me in the throat and he stepped down on it making me choke and hiss from pain. I scratched at his leg and growled and started coughing and choking getting blood all over my face. "You're pathetic Arthur" he stepped off and kicked me as hard as he could in the stomach twice. I laid there full of pain and passed out soon after and once I woke up couldn't feel really anything body was numb and hurt it felt like all my bones were broken.. I weakly got up and limp to my horse and fell over half way there. I looked around and started noticing  that I was not seeing no other  horses and the good supplies were gone, they had left and with everything even some of my stuff but they had left a few tents. 

I some how managed to get up and whistled my horse over and climbed onto it and rode into a near by town going to a doctor. I stumbled into the doctors office and walked to a room he led me to. Then he proceeded to stitch up the stab wound and cleaned it out. He then gave me a shot to improve my energy and soon after I paid I  then thanked the man. I left still with a limp and was still very tired and uncomfortable. I mounted up and started riding to the abandoned camp and went into a biggish  tent, it had a huge blanket made from animal furs and looked like it was johns old tent. I wrapped myself in the blanket and felt my eyelids get heavier as I started drifting off, I had visions of a deer again but then.. it got shot and Micah was standing there with a smoking gun and walked over to the half alive deer kicking at it as it yelled out in pain and tried getting up, he hurt it and left it there to die and lassoed a deer nearby pulling it away from the harmed deer. I woke up covered and sweat and the dream seemed short but it was the morning.

I left the tent and saw everything was gone my tent and horse was the only thing still here, Dutch hadn't even bothered to talk to me when he was taking the rest of the supplies... I mounted up and tried catching any type of scents but couldn't anymore but luckily saw wagon wheel marks and horse tracks off of the trail. I followed them and they led me to a small camp and I got off my horse and told it to leave, I sneaked closer and saw Dutch was talking to micah and he was crying. Micah was comforting him and told Dutch I had died and it's over now and to calm down. I got up and shot at Micah, "I AINT DEAD ASSHOLE!" Micah looked at me and glared "the second god damn time your supposed to be dead and your not, let me fix that!"

 He looked at his men who grabbed and tied up Dutch and helped Micah shoot at me. I shot at their legs and hit all of Micah's men down and ran to Dutch and slide to his side and untied him and went to get up before I bullet went through my shoulder, I grabbed it trying not to yell in pain and ran off with Dutch . We mounted up rode back to the old camp and I went in the tent and started getting the bullet out of my shoulder. He soon came in and helped we got it out and cleaned the wound and he kissed and hugged me multiple times. "Dutch I already said it's okay.." "not Arthur it's not! I'm sorry I put you through all of it!"

I grabbed Dutch and pinned him down I kissed him  and held onto him, "Just shut up...." he hugged me and I hugged back. We stayed like this for a good thirty minutes before letting go and  getting something to eat. I got us some different canned products I had gotten before and made a fire by the tent. "I'm surprised micah and his idiots haven't come after us yet." "Yeah Normally he gets or tries getting revenge right away." Me and Dutch stay there for a moment, I got a bit closer to him and leaned my head onto his shoulder as we sat by the fire and ate. 

This, this felt right being alone with Dutch and away from Micah and any other distractions. Dutch kissed my forehead and hugged me I hugged back and laid my head on his warm chest. "Do you wanna go to bed arthur?" I nod and crawled back to the tent with Dutch and cuddle up with him. Even though it was still day I felt tired and I assume after our fight with Micah and just being by him must have tired Dutch as well. I held his hand as I felt myself start to drift asleep, soon I saw the poor buck again but there was a wolf there licking the blood off of it and seeming to help it? The wolf it got up and seemed to transform to a buck itself. What weird fuckin dream.

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now