Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't been on wattpad and tbh I actually forgot about this XD anywayyy sorry And imma add more and probably edit more too or I'll forget again .-.

-Arthur's pov-

I limped around, I was looking for anything, a gun, a can a food, a drink. I was hungry and I hated the bread and I really didn't get much to drink. I wanted to bathe too, I felt disgusting and I wanted new clothes, but most of all I wanted to find Dutch. I looked around until finding a gun, the pistol had been left near a barrel full of water. I splashed my face letting the cold water wipe my own blood off. I walked down to the storage haul, looking around a bit I walked further, moving boxes out of my way. I kept looking before a shine caught my eye, walking closer I found Dutch, he was tied up without a shirt. Dutch had what I could only assume were scars,burns and blood. It covered his body, making him look like a corpse already. I ran over and untied him, I wasn't completely sure if he was awake but I handed him my shirt anyway. "I need to get sadie, you should rest I can get you when o have her and we'll leave." Dutch got up leaning against me, "no I'm coming and how? We can't really just get off and what about everyone else?" "Well we can.. and we will need to think about it later" he nodded as I walked him to our old room.

I got cleaned up then changed into a new outfit and found most of my things besides a few valuables, I doused a rag in moonshine and walked to Dutch. He was sitting on the bed trying to get dressed, I took off the shirt he had put on, ruining the work he did for about 10 minutes. I lightly tapped over his wounds with the rag, Dutch winced slightly, I leaned over and kissed him. "I know Dutch." I grabbed some bandages wrapping up the wounds, then walked with Dutch after I had gotten him dressed, we found another room it had Sadie, Abigal and jack. They weren't chained up, but the had been locked in the room with food and water. The food was gone now and so was the water, the girls looked tired and weak Jack looked a bit better, but still not good. " Sadie, Abigal Jack?" I walked closer, pulling some food out of my satchel then handing it to them. Sadie took a can I had handed to them and started eating, she shared with the two, but it was clear they handed eaten in a while. "What happened to you guys?"

Abigal looked up from the food and sighed, "I was with John and some one called him over and something hit me over the head once he was gone, I woke up in here and some food and water. We tried to hold back with the food as much as possible, but we were starving we still saved some but yesterday we ran out." I nod pulling another can from my pocket and handing it to her, I was still hungry, but I only had a little food that was still good after the time we have been in this ship. I wanted to save it for as long as possible, I looked at Dutch, we seemed to have been thinking of the same thing, as he said "so do you think the others are still on as well?" I nod and look back at sadie and Abigal and pick up jack. "We gotta get the, somewhere safe." Dutch nods and I help up Abigal and went to help sadie, but saw she was already up. "You guys need rest and food, I'll go look" Dutch and Sadie both complain, "find sadie you can come." Dutch looked at me upset, I was trying to keep him safe not annoy him but still he needed to stay. "Dutch I know your string smart and amazing" I hand jack to Abigal and wrap my arms around Dutch's neck and softly kiss his lips. "But I want you safe no matter if it means your upset."

I kissed him once more and felt his arms around my waist, I felt my face heat up as he kissed back. I was lost in the moment looking into Dutch's eyes, I felt my heart melt and I started kissing with more passion and lust, I forgot about jack and the girls, all I could think of was Dutch. He had pulled away and kissed my cheek, sadly making me pop back to reality. I looked over at sadie and sighed handing Dutch and Abigal both one more can of food and leaving with Sadie.

Charles pov

It had been a few days, maybe a week or more and I had been locked up, me John bill and Javier, I knew the other were on board but couldn't just attack, I needed to wait for the time. I just hoped I could make a move before it was too late. Javier seemed more loud the I have really ever seen him, Bill was loud mouthed, but after getting a few beat down he had learned to stay quiet. John was tense and was scared I believe, it makes sense, he lost Abigal and jack. I know their still alive, if they kept us alive they surely kept jack and girls alive.

I looked around waiting for a guard, but they weren't coming for their usual patrol like they'd normally do. Something was off, I had a sneaking suspicion that either one of the girls or Arthur and Dutch had gotten away or gotten into trouble. I smiled at the thought, I wish they did leave, I want them all off and in Tahiti or at least back home? Well home isn't what I'd really call it, just back I guess. I sighed looking around, maybe there was something to get me out of these chains, the hand cuff didn't let me pick up anything to big, so it's not like if there was a weapon or something we could really use it. I found a nearby knife, it was on the table and I was far away from it. The closest person there was John, he seemed to out of it to do anything. He had gotten beaten pretty bad and was too sad to do a lot of things. "John"

((Hopefully this is good I'm really sorry I haven't been on I genuinely started hating everything I posted and I wanna re do it, I may go back and change chapters, not too much but enough to make it need to be re read a little to understand some things, I may not though I don't know tbh anywayyy I hope you guys aren't too mad thanks for waiting and sticking with me also sorry cliff hanger sorta

Arthur x Dutch (spoilers has some smut)Where stories live. Discover now