Chapter 4

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'Hate is a strong word' - they said

'Don't say that' -they said

Well what do you expect 

We were raised to fit into the mold society 

Has made for us and for you to go against that

You're suddenly considered an outcast who doesn't deserve to be here

Well that's the type of mentality we have

'If you can't be like the rest of us

Then you can't be anyone at all'

Society is a dark place and if you let it control your every move

It will do so and eventually stab you in the back

But what are you supposed to do you're just a nobody hiding in a crowd of people 

Your nothing special 

This isn't your problem 

So why should you care

Well the sad reality is society is a dark place 

Certain individuals thought the same thing and they too slowly 

Were dragged into the atrocity 

That is society 

But what does this have to do with hate 

Well it's because of society why there's hate

Because of society we were taught to hate ourselves for our imperfections 

That we all must be alike

That we can't be different 

Some take it differently 

But others just follow the crowd

Because of society we are forced to be someone we're not

This all this makes you hate yourself 

Some hate stronger than others

But it's still hate 



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