chapter thirty

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r e c o r d s h o p


Birdie Hum Fly. Her full name sounded foreign, but beautiful, as it rolled off of his lips like it was a prayer.

"Birdie Hum Fly, Birdie Hum Fly, Birdie Hum, Birdie Fly, Birdie," Luke practiced saying her name on the way home as they carried the two boxes Birdie had filled with her things.

"Is that all you're ever going to say to me, now?" she laughed.

"Sure thing, Birdie Hum Fly."

"My mother went a bit overboard with the name, I think. She really really liked birds. My name is so, odd. How many words can you associate with birds to fit into one name?"

Luke laughed along with her. "She might've went a bit strong with the terms, but I think it is absolutely beautiful. I just don't understand why you waited so long to tell me."

"My mum has always been a bit of a sore spot. I think you've picked up by now that she's not around anymore. I feel like my name is such a personal thing now. I haven't said it in so long. I haven't heard anyone else say it in so long, either. It reminds me a lot of my mum, and sometimes it hurts."

"I'm sorry, I'll stop saying it, if you want," he offered, hoping that he didn't upset her.

"For some reason, I like when you say it. It makes me feel closer to my mum, closer to happiness. It's nice. I've missed that feeling."

He grinned, looking down at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"I'm glad I can make you happy. It's all I ever wanted for you, for you to be happy. I am so glad that I'm the one that can give you what you need. Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough-"

"Luke, no! You're more than enough! Without you, I'd honestly probably be dead," Luke cringed at the word she spoke as if it was such casual thing to say, because he couldn't even imagine her gone.

"But here I am, completely and utterly happy, with you. I thank God everyday for you."

"I thank God everyday for you, too, little one."

"Hey, I am not little!"

"Um, yes you definitely are."

At this point, the pair had made it to Luke's apartment. He let them both in, and they set her boxes by the door. There was an unsaid agreement that they would unpack her minimal amount of things later.

"I definitely am not! I'm almost as tall as you!"

At this, Luke bursted out in a loud laugh, looking down at the girl in front of him before he walked over to his record player and put on a Strumbellas record. After he did this, he walked back over to he pretty girl in his apartment.

"Birdie, I have to look down to talk to you," he grinned as she stood on her toes. She looked up at him with a determined look on her face.

"Still not tall enough," and he snickered when she began to jump up and down.

"Still not tall enough, baby."

"One day I'll be tall enough. You'll see," she crossed her arms with a pout on her face.

"That will probably never happen, Hummingbird, but I'm okay with staying with you for as long as it takes."


this book only has a couple chapters left. im going to miss it a ton.

i really loved this chapter and the ending of it as well, i hope you do, too.

i am so sorry that it has taken a while to update, ive just been dealing with family and health issues.

but i am back for sure!!

question of the chapter:

have you heard 5sos' new single Easier?

okay i listened to it after i got home from school and cheer and i LOVED it so much. cannot wait for the new era, and im so happy that 5sos is happy with the art that they are creating.

that's all for this note as it is getting quite long.

thank you so much for reading!

i love you all so so so much.

-a <3

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