Chapter 3: This Woman is my Destiny

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After what was an incredible concert. Lucy and I talking constantly about it on our way out of the pit. My phone is constantly going off and I can't figure out why. Even though I feel like I should know this already.

Out of nowhere, something is pulled over my head, I'm picked up and slung over a small shoulder. "Damn, how the fuck--"

"Shut up and move." Two different voices mumble and giggle between each other.

The giggles, muffled laughter and chuckling of my kidnappers somehow tells me I'm in no real danger. I should be panicking but I'm not.

The noise of the venue indicating that I'm also still at the arena. Moving through the lobby, I guess. And No One is questioning why this is happening?

Wait, there was a section cornered off with a wall that lead to the backstage areas of the venue. They must be carrying me through there. Otherwise, someone would have said something by now.

"...why hasn't she, like... screamed or something?" One of the voices comes from my left. Too quiet to identify. And judging by the feel of being slung over this persons shoulder. They're head is to my right. So it can't be the same person carrying me.

"Maybe she's in shock? This could've seriously freaked the fuck out of her." The other voice whispers from my right. So it's the person carrying me?

"Think we should tell her?" Voice from the left muffles their laugh.

"Nahhh." You can hear the smile in the the persons voice on the right.

Sometime later, I hear a door opening. Taking us out of the noisy lobby of the venue. The silence continues except for the echoing of their footsteps on tile. Guessing a hall or corridor.

Yet another door opens but this has a metallic screech to it. Moving from the quiet hall or corridor to the familiar scent of the parking lot. With the wind and noise from the road and highway in the distance.

"Aren't you tired?" The voice on the left questions. Sounding a bit more familiar now that they aren't whispering.

"She's really light actually." Wait. Is that who I think it is?

The voice on the left is chuckling while another door opens. Entering indoors yet again and finally being set down. My head being freed from the darkness.

"Damn, Hayley!" Josh exclaims in surprise, standing next to the couch I'm facing. Staring wide eyed behind me.

I turn around to see Hayley. In a black hoodie and dropping a black cloth bag of sorts. That was surprisingly easy to breathe in.

As Hayley being pulling off her hoodie, I look to my left to see Jeremy doing the same. "Could you believe she was just going to leave without hanging out?" He huffs. Stepping over to the Farro brothers and pulling himself free. Dropping the hoodie to his side.

Which just happened to be on Zac' head. "Come on!" He groans from underneath. Just as he reaches to remove it, Hayley also approaches and drops it on his head. "Not cool, guys!" Trying to defend himself against the assault.

Only earning the laughter of his attackers. Zac simply removes the hoodies and sighs slightly annoyed.

Suddenly, Hayley turns to me. The smirk already playing on her lips growing the more she looks me up and down. "Hey, Chloe." she addresses casually. Striding over. "How'd you like the concert tonight?" Taking my hands in hers. Leading me to the couch and sitting on the end. Pulling me down into the seat next to her before letting go. Resting an arm on the back of said couch. Behind me.

"Is that an actual question? Because there's only one answer." I grin. Hayley returns it. Already knowing what I'd say.

Her fingers graze my shoulder as she pulls it back to her so she can prop her head on her palm. It feels like a dozen tiny sparks on my tender skin and takes all of my strength to not react to them. "I dunno..." Pretending like she has no clue. "Maybe we like hearing that answer from time to time..."

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