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goodbye everyone on here. it was fun while it lasted. thank you for supporting me and for those who became my friend. i will not use this account to update anymore. i will be posting my art on instagram (cicadafetus). i am also on discord leathercactus#3986

a reason why im leaving: none of my friends are online anymore, they ghost me or we do talk just not enough. since a lot of them are a few years older than me they have jobs or they don't have the time to be online because of school. i miss those days when we would talk, it was fun but loving. we had eachothers backs because of drama. but.. those days seem to end in 2018 when school was happening. i miss them so much but summer is almost here but none of them will move on and forget that im here. so this is why i am writing this last page. i had fun on here, if anyone is going to see this, i love you

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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