Chapter 1

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Walking into my village after a long few days of hunting. My bow strapped across my back and my bag to carry the dead animals is hanging from my shoulder nearly over filled. The children in the village came running up to greet me, hoping that I have some sort of treat for them today.

"Lana's back." Was the shout from one of the children before they all came running to greet me. Smiles on all of the children's faces as they crowded around me hoping for a gift from the woods. I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out little gems found inside certain rocks. Each of the children took one and the escorted me into the village where I was greeted by many others. I walked to the village's butchers shop to sell most of the meat I got from my kills.

"Good evening, Lana." The butcher said a small smile gracing his face.

"Good evening, Wesley," I replied to the older man behind the counter while grabbing my kills out of my bag and placing them on the counter.

"A good hunt I presume," Wesley said looking at my kills.

"How much?" I asked thinking about the big sum of money I know I'll need to survive through the winter.


"Really?" I huffed, I would need about double that to keep just myself alive through the winter let alone my family.

"Yes, I'm sorry but that's the best I can do."


Wesley handed me my money and we said a quick goodbye before I left his shop. I walked to the tavern where my sister worked to surprise her that I'm back. I opened the door and walked in. A fake smile was plastered to my face as I looked around for my sister in this crowded building. I finally caught sight of her serving some men I didn't know. When she turned she saw me and rushed towards me in a hurry.

"Lana! You're back." She squealed before hugging me.

"Yes, I am," I said slightly amused.

"Let me just go say goodbye to Maria and I'll be right back." She said before taking off into the backroom of the tavern. However, in seconds she was back ready to go. So off we went.

"Is anyone else working in town today?" I asked but only received a quiet no before the silence enveloped us once again. Reaching the edge of town I could make out the familiar sight of home in the distance near the woods. When we arrived at the house my family stopped what they were doing to come to greet me. Everyone giving me hugs before returning to work and I went off to help my brothers. However soon my mother called us all to dinner. My brothers and I all rushed to the house pushing and shoving each other to be the first one inside. Sitting down at the table hoping for a calm dinner after having been in the woods for many days. But that hope was dispersed when father and my sister Chloe started arguing over something that I didn't know about.

"John stop arguing with your daughter and let us eat dinner in peace." My mother snapped obviously annoyed. I looked to my brothers in confusion but none of them would look at me, so I went back to eating.

"Lana, how was the hunt," My father asked looking at me.

"Decent but not enough."

"How much did you make?"


My brothers butted into the conversation whistling and telling me good job, but it didn't make me feel any better. It actually made me feel worse knowing that we'd need a ton more to make it through the winter. My father must have caught on to what I was thinking.

"We'll make it through the winter, don't you worry child." He told me reaching over the table to grab my hand, squeezing it slightly. Someone clearing their throat made me look around the table. Most everyone had sincere looks on their faces let me know they'll be helping out more.

"I have good news," Chloe said breaking the silence.

"Not right now." My father said dismissing Chloe. However, she apparently didn't get the message because she continued.

"We are-"

"Chloe not right now." My father shouted at her.

"Let her say it, John." My mother told my father, and my father sat back with a glare set on his face letting me know that whatever was going to be said wasn't actually good news.

"We're getting married," Chloe said to me making me have to take a second to think.

"What." That was unexpected.

"We're getting married." She repeated.

"We. We, who."

"You and I. Mother found us each a rich man from the city so we don't have to live in this old hut no more." She explained smiling, "They were the men in the tavern today, that I was serving."

I stood straight up, my hands curled into fists, a glare on my face. I turned to my mother before shouting, "You- You did what." I was so angry I was now shaking.

"I found you a rich man who you are going to marry." My mother warned me.

"No, I am not marrying anyone, especially not a rich bastard," I said.

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."

"See, I told you, Helen, she doesn't want to get married so she won't." My father told my mother.

"Yes she will," my mother said before turning to me, "He's a nice, smart, and very good looking, you will go great together."

"Well too bad we won't be able to confirm that statement because I'm not marrying him," I growled still extremely angry.

"Yes you will, once you meet him you'll fall for him, he's amazing."

"Oh, if he's so great why don't you marry him. And just so you know my final answer is no. I will not be marrying anyone." I said hearing my brothers chuckle at my words.

"Fine," my mother said looking over my father, my brothers, and I. "I am leaving and I am taking your sister with me."

With that both of them went upstairs to what I assume is to pack. I looked over to see if my father was heartbroken at my mother's words but saw him and my brothers finishing their food. My father looked up at me and just shrugged his shoulders making me grin. So I sat down to join them. Just after we finished eating and cleaning up the table we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. My mother and sister with all of their stuff packed. My mother looked at me.

"I need the money."

"That's hilarious." I said slightly laughing, "No."

My mother huffed before grabbing her stuff and walking out of the house with my sister following right behind. I looked to my brothers and father and we all just laughed. So much for a peaceful night.

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