Chapter 3

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My actual brothers came outside and stood next to me as I was chopping wood. None of us said anything for a while. I finally worked off enough angry to put the ax down and turned to face my older brothers. Marcus handed me some food knowing I didn't eat a lot on my hunting trip, which I scarfed down.

"Thanks," I muttered not meeting their eyes.

"You're welcome," Marcus said before pulling me into a hug.

"I shouldn't have snapped at them," I said resting my head on Marcus's shoulder.

"No, you shouldn't have had to deal with that, especially not after you just got home," Andrew said.

"I just got so angry. I mean this money is for repairs to the house, food, needed clothing, and to pay for the seeds for the crops in the spring," I ranted, "Also 700 coin is not that much especially when that's all we got."

"I think you handled that situation perfectly," Thomas said as Marcus let go of me stepping back to look down at me.

"What'll father do?" I asked more worried than angry. My father was one of those people you try everything to not get him angry at you. And if you do get him angry you better have some damn good blackmail on someone else that'll redirect his anger off of you.

"He won't do anything, and if he does all three of us will be right here with you," Andrew said as the other two nodded.

"Promise?" I asked extremely worried about what my father will do.

"We promise," Marcus said. With that, we headed back to the house. When we got inside I saw her children looking very angry, my future stepmother grinning slightly, and my father's face was completely blank. Father motioned for me to come to him, so I walked over to him hearing my brother's footsteps following me as they kept their promise. 

"I am proud of you," Father said shocking me.

"What? Why?" I asked looking between him and my future stepmother.

My future stepmother answered before my father could saying, "To be honest, I thought that you would just give them the money and maybe leave not even giving us a chance after that." To which I nodded in understanding.

"What do I do now?" I asked, not knowing what to do now that my family can survive through the winter which was coming fast.

"Well winter is nearly upon us, so you can still do hunting trips but for shorter times. Like a day or two at a time. Or you can stay near the house and do chores like everyone else," Father said making me nod. Rolling my options around in my head deciding to do the one I actually can stand doing. Hunting.

"I'll do the shorter hunting trips. Get us some extra money so maybe we can get farm animals," I said shooting my father a small grin which he returned.

"Okay, that's a good idea," Father said for we all knew about how much he wants farm animals.

"Oh, well I think that could work," My future stepmother said giving me a smile. I nodded and lead my brothers away to my room.

"What do you guys think of that idea?" I asked.

"I think it could work," Andrew said with Marcus nodding in agreement, both of them knowing my main reason for picking the hunting choice was to stay away from my future stepsiblings.

"No, don't leave me with them," Thomas whined, faking being unhappy with my choice.

"Don't leave you with who?" I asked

"Them," he said pointing to Andrew and Marcus making us all burst out laughing.

"Oh, I have a question real quick," I said when I stopped laughing.

"Okay, what's up,"  Andrew said still chuckling from his little brother's idiocy.

"What's our future stepmother's name?"

"Her name is Julia."

"Alright, thanks."

"No problem." And with that, we all went to bed. 

That night was the first snow of the season. From then on I was barely at home, always hunting. I made a decent amount of money for hunting in the winter. Julia and her kids became my stepfamily. And now the snow was thawing and spring was here. Julia had 5 kids. Four boys and 1 girl, whose names I learned were Benjamin who was the oldest, Isaac the second oldest, Jacob the middle child, Lillian the second youngest, and finally Ruben the youngest. I came back from a hunting trip late last night after everyone had gone to bed.

I walked downstairs ready to start this day of chores before preparing to go on another hunting trip tomorrow morning. When I made it to the table I noticed that there were more boys than usual. I recognized the three extra boys as Thomas's best friends from the village. There was the baker's son, Christopher, Wesley's son, David, and the blacksmith's son, Theodore.

"Hey, you're home," Thomas said jumping up to give me a quick hug.

"Yeah, but I made us a decent amount of money from that trip," I told him.

"How much?" He asked me as we kind of forgot that his friends were sitting right there too. However, my oldest brothers were ignoring me for some reason so I really didn't feel bad about forgetting a few people at this time.

"150," I said with a grin but now looking at my father who for some reason wouldn't meet my eyes.

"That's awesome," Thomas said but I realized it was only fake enthusiasm.

"Yeah it is because it means father can buy those farm animals he's always wanted," I said now faking it to see how this plays out.

"Well that's even better, ain't it father?" He said to my father who only looked up, still not meeting my eyes, and nodded before looking back down.

"Alright, enough of this bullshit. What the fuck is going on?" I said now slightly pissed off.

"Nothing is going on, Lana," Thomas said glaring at me.

"Than why is no one but you making eye contact with me? Why are you the only one speaking to me? Why is it that whenever I come home anymore it seems as though everyone is angry at me? Well, I guess you all could be angry at me but at least tell me why you're angry at me! And why the hell did you just glare at me," I shouted now completely pissed off because I work my ass off to keep everyone in this house happy.

I was expecting someone to look at me, speak to me, or even yell at me. But no one would make eye contact with me and the room was dead silent. Which to be honest pissed me off even more. I would probably have stormed off by now to cool down but I really wanted to know what the hell was going on. 

I huffed and sat down at the table before saying, "Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on because no one is leaving this room till I know."

The silence continued for a while but I continued to sit there patiently-ish waiting for one of them to tell me what's wrong. It looked like we'd be staying at the table for a while. So much for a little happiness from my family for appreciation for getting the money for things they need and want.  

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