My Crush

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It was the first day of school and I saw this boy who's locker was right next to mine. "Hi" I said to him. "Hoi I'm Braden" he says proudly. "Well I'm Glitter" I said blushing pink. I think he saw me blush because he started to blush, IDK the bell was about to ring so I went to class until I see you guessed it, Braden I felt sooooooooo nervous 😓 I hecking started to fricking sweat by the sight of seeing him. Then the teacher walked in. She was wearing a purple skirt with a short that had a ghost and flower on it. "Hello class" she said "I am Ms.C" she added. I began to think (in glitters mind) What is Ms.C's real name? (Out of glitters mind).

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