This is where ghostblossom comes in (:

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Casper started to hug me. ''I am sorry you had to die like me and specter.'' She said I felt sad and sick. I walked away to see my corpse.

Casper POV:
I hated how she knows the hard way on how she died... I was sitting in the corner thinking to myself the all of a sudden Blind Specter tackles me (do you know where this is going?) "When was the last time we were alone?" He asks me " NEVER!!!!! " I yelled "The only time we were alone together it was about somebody who died like Glitter" I added. He starts kissing me when we stopped kissing I said blushing "Spec don't do it here". He started to kiss my neck then starts licking my neck. He didn't even listen did he I thought. He then stopped licking my neck then I pulled him and kisses him really rough. I started to lick the inside of his eye socket. Drooling Blind Specter pushed me away when we heard squealing and.we look to see Glitter squealing like a mouse.

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