What even is life

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"Alissa!!!!" Was what I had to wake up to this morning.

"Ahhhh" is hot up punching whoever it was in the gut.
"Uhh!" Damon groaned.
"When will you stop doing that?" I asked annoyed.
"Not a chance in hell." He said.
"Isn't that what Elena said wh-" Before I could even finish my sentence he suffocated me with a pillow. "Okay. Okay." I say however the sound came out muffled.

"Why did you wake me up." I said leaning against my headboard. Damon shrugged, "I... got bored." He admitted. "What? You ran outa bourbon?" I sarcastically asked.
"I have and never will run out of bonbon." He reaches to pat her head but goes against doing it. His younger sister did indeed scare him sometimes. "Do you know what you need? You need some good old therapy sessions. Mhm you should get a therapist." I say speaking my thoughts.

"Is that why you're all 'yippy dippy'l ," He twirled round in a circle acting as if he had a tutu on. "I'm - I'm not yippy dippy. I'm prioritising myself, my mental health, my physical health. You should focus on yourself for one second before you jump to Eleanor's rescue again." I say. Ever since I've been doing therapy I feel better and I smile longer. "It's Elena." He just had to point out. "Oh my god Damon, you literally make me want to sit on my tv and watch the couch." I said and he seems confused.

Popping in some earphones I came downstairs listening to Ariana grandes new song. "What're you listening to?" Caroline asked.
"7 rings." I replied and she seemed shocked. I'm rich, why wouldn't I listen to a song so relatable. "You like that song? Me too." She says and I smile. "The song is cool, it makes me want to steal from my own wallet." I say and she laughs, knowing I can do way more than that. I'm just too lazy.

I walked into the grill, saw Damon and decided to go back home. This man is my kryptonite, I love him, but I'd rather not talk to him for a few months. Sometimes when things get hard I find it hard to be around people and I isolate myself from everyone. That's just how it is and I'm fine with it. But today is not one of those days, some days I just want to be alone and that's how I feel right now.

Sitting at a bar in mystic falls I hear the bell ring, not looking around the unknown person sits beside me. "I'm sorry." The female voice says. I turn to my right to see Rebekah. "For what? We're not even friends." I say and she shrugs. "Nowadays I'm always doing something wrong." She sighs.
"I feel ya girl." We cheers and drink our beers.

"What's it like?" I asked curiously.
"What's what like?" She replies.
"Living for over a thousand years." I said, I've only been alive for over a hundred.
"Cool I guess, get to see different walks of life. But technically I've not been alive for a thousand years as my wanker of a brother likes to dagger me quite often." She sighs taking another sip.

"I'm sorry, I can't imagine what it's like to live with such a... controlling person." I said, though i did know what it was like. My father used me his whole life, he was a cruel man and Damon had always taken the blame for me as a child. I broke a plate, he told father it was him. He's always protected me and I hope Elena doesn't destroy our bond...

"It's not a picnic." She said taking another sip of her drink.

"I'll see you around." I said grabbing my coat as I left the bar. Sitting on a bench in a park I looked up at the night sky. The stars shining back down at me. Peace, all I craved was peace. To go somewhere without the fear of being followed. To not have to go home to my broken family. All I wanted was a normal life, a normal human life.

Alissa Salvatore~K.MWhere stories live. Discover now