p. 2 DAMIAN!

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Damien pov.

Why do I feel like something going to happen. Hey, you ok?! (Remember there on the motorcycle) I'm ok! You sure?! YES! Why does he know somethings wrong? We are on a motorcycle he can't even see me. And yet he can understand that I feel off. 0////0 Oh god no. Stop thinking like his yours. His just a friend that will be mine soon.

Damien?! Yeah?! You know you missed your turn right?! * stops the motorcycle, turns it around* Happy now? Yes. *holds on to hips* O////O W-what are you doing? Holding on to you? Well can you at least losing your grip. Oh my god. I'm sorry. It's ok.

Oh god, why can't I talk. I just want him to hug me one more time. Why did I even say anything. I feel so stupid. I should have just hold him close and shut my mouth.

John pov.

Why did I do that. I feel so stupid. All I wanted was to hold on to him. And yet he won't even let that happen. Why don't you just see how much I like you? Oh no. Where almost there I can see the tower. I have to let him go after this.

Why do I have the worst luck. Wait? Is that the titans? * Damien drive up to them to talk* What are you guys doing? *Note there still moving. Damien just moved the other way so he can talk with them.* HEY ROLL DOWN YOUR WINDOW! Damien yelled to the titans. Raven rolled down the window and ask how was he. Damien just rolled his eyes and yelled where they were going.

Oh, we are going to stop captain cold. He broke in to the Museum stealing the light Crystal. Do you need help or no? I say we join just for the fun of it.  That and I don't want to be alone with you in the tower. There are two reason why. First, it would be weird there alone together. Two, Dick will make fun of me. And say things like “What did you two do while we were out? I hope a lot.”

Dick pov.

Why don't you guys go to the tower and we will finish off captain cold. No way. Why would we want to leave all the fun with you guys? Don't tell me your afraid that we can do it a lot after then you. Oh whatever. Just keep your eyes on the prize. Well do.

I know why Damien didn't want to go back. He's afraid he will confess his true feeling for him and to find out John doesn't like him back. Raven: But John does like Damien. How would you know that? Raven: I scents his emotions.

Garfield: Wait so they like each other? Raven:  Yup but not for long. WAIT WHAT?! Why would you at that? Raven: Well I can feel Damien starting to think he will never be with him. And so he is going to try and move on.

Please tell me your joking. Raven: I wish. Star faire: We should help them. I know Corey. I wish we could but Damien would kill us if we did. Blue Beetle: What if he didn't know.

Damien pov.

There it is. “Damien are we almost there?” If you look in front of us, you will see that it's right there. You don't have to be so mean about it. * Hides his face in his back*

God his cute. I would want nothing more than to hold him. I really need to tell him but I can't. Maybe I should move on. And stop liking him. Than things will be better. *pulled over* Alright, so what's the plan?

John pov.

So I have to make sure everyone gets out safe. And I'm not the only one who is working to do the same. I'm with star fair. I hope Damien is having fun. I know how much he loves fighting.

Alright that's the last of them time to meet up with the team. As John runs towards the fight he sees Damien on the floor. He wasn't sure how he felt about his crush hurt on the floor. But one thing was for sure he wasn't happy.

“Damien are you ok?” Damien looked up and was about to say something, but was knock out before he could do so. “DAMIEN!” John rams towards him but here's the Titans yell at him. He didn't hear what they said so he looked behind him and was slapped in the face with a bright light.

Word count. 771

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