Sod Off, Delphini

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hyper.scorpion accompanying the most beautiful Lily Luna Potter to the hair salon. She said she wanted some hair dye. she wanted a bubble gum pink hair. Al and Gracie are coming with us too.
creds: albus.sevpotter
tagged: luna.lilypotter
delphini.black_riddle FILTHY HALF-BLOOD
hyper.scorpion who are you to call her that? and what are you doing in my post? delphini.black_riddle
you don't call my sister with that name. 
gracie.malfoy sod off, delphini?
fred.the.second you don't have rights to even type on anyone's post, bish
roxanne.thebeater you heard him, Delphini. Sod Off!
frankly.longbottom frankly speaking, delphini. Nobody here would expect you to come and hurt our little Lily Luna. leave her alone or I'll ask the minister to escort you to Azkaban for a life long sentence. well said, Frank. 
delphini.black_riddle hyper.scorpion gracie.malfoy you two are also a disgrace for befriending a half-blood, cousin.
d.l.malfoy too bad, Delphini. I am friends with their parents and I felt it's better to be friend with all of them than making friends with the death eaters and someone who murders someone's parents for nothing.
hyper.scorpion dad, you rock! d.l.malfoy
teddyremuslupin nobody messes with my baby little sister, Delphini. Sod off.
thebetterscamander you should have known that I have swooping evil on my hand and it can feed on your memories and brains anytime, Delphini
luna.lilypotter Merlin! I love everyone!! hyper.scorpion albus.sevpotter fred.the.second roxanne.thebeater frankly.longbottom thebetterscamander teddyremuslupin
thank you for standing up for me, Teddy. I can't thank you more, Big Brother teddyremuslupin
you're always my baby little sister, Lily luna.lilypotter

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