chapter two: Ten years of hell and meeting a djinn or two

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Its been three years and I have learned I was born to a dancer mother who hates me because of my likeness to my uncle her younger brother yet she never tells me why or who he is but that's ok I have learned to take care of my self cause the people...

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Its been three years and I have learned I was born to a dancer mother who hates me because of my likeness to my uncle her younger brother yet she never tells me why or who he is but that's ok I have learned to take care of my self cause the people in this troop are ass wholes who only care about themselves and money. It was a normal day when had stopped after traveling from our last gig I like always was practicing I may be to young to dance now but the troop leader expects me to have the routine down and perfect by the time I am old enough to dance and he wants me to do the sword dance so here I am in this empty field practicing with the sword I was given it was sharp. I tied my long purple hair back and walked further into the field I seen a giant building it looked empty so I decided to get a closer look when my body was sucked forward and I was floating.

My body was slammed down and I was in a dark room I held the dance sword tight it was my only defence against anything. I felt something wrap around my leg I swung the sword and hit something cutting what ever that was on my leg off but then there was a deafening screech I covered my ears. I felt the floor rubble and every fiber of my being told me to run so I did I booked it in the direction my instinct to me to go. I seen a light so I ran towards it as I got out I seen what looked like a fog covered field I slowly walked out and looked around I held the sword in front of me as I looked around it finally hit me where I was I was in a dungeon in the anime magi. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes letting my instinct guide me but I bumped into a giant body I started to shake as I could feel something breathing on me I slowly opened my eyes to see a giant bear like creature with giant teeth and glowing red eyes and a wolf like head I let out a scream as I seen the giant paw like thing come swinging at me I quickly dropped down and rolled away still holding the sword tightly.

I jumped up and faced the creature a feeling of courage and the thought of I have to get out of here filled my body. I rushed forwards and swung at the creature but it only grazed it I thought of what to do and remembered when I was training for my dance I created a whole new type of sword play that worked for me so I decided it might help here more then It would as a dance move. I swung the sword light on my feet and danced around the creature swinging and slashing at it until my sword meet his neck and I slashed it. The creature fell down defeated but I felt bad so I knelt down in front of it and prayed as I got up to leave the ground shifted and I was falling once again. Everything was back as I slowly opened my eyes and seen a giant door in front of me I walked closer and opened it to see what looked like a dead town I walked through something told me to stay on the path and not to stray off it. After some walking I seen another door I place my hand on the door as it swung open I seen nothing but stone afied things I looked around " hello?" I called out still keeping the sword close to me I walked around the room abit and stopped when a fog filled the room.

" Well hello little one I'm The djinn of the 73th dungeon Juden the djinn of malice and stealth

 why are you here in my dungeon a little to young to want to capture a djinn but you did make it through and you had deep respect for my creatures and you don't fear me

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why are you here in my dungeon a little to young to want to capture a djinn but you did make it through and you had deep respect for my creatures and you don't fear me....I guess I can take a chance on a twerp like you don't fail me my queen oh and take as much as you like you did clear my place" I blinked in confusion and looked at him as he turned the stones into gold and jewels I nodded and started to fill bags. When I had three bags full he turned into fog and floated into my right bracelet a circle like star appeared a magic circle surrounded me and lifted me and my bags of things up and everything went black again what's with me and fainting. When I was awaken to someone pulling my hair I opened my eyes to see my mother and the troop leader " well the brat brought us a treat look this will cover everything from the last ten years and a few years to come" the troop leader Malic said with a smirk I just glared at him and kept my mouth shut.

I was pushed forward as my mom pushed me down harshly and took out my bun and roughly brushed my hair and tightly braided it " keep this up and we might have you go into another one of those weird towers next year you brought back some nice loot. You may look like your Uncle and you might have gotten his skill but I'll for once call you my child as long as you stay useful to me" she left me after and I was left alone I looked to my right wrist to see the star I smiled I felt like for the first time ever I was happy to have someone there for me.

~time skip~

After a week of traveling I found out through hearing people talk that a djinn user has two releases a weapons release and a full body release so when ever I can I go to a field and practice so far I have only been able to weapons release. I was really tired but now I can keep the weapons release going for three hours I stumbled to my tent and flopped down. As I was at the brink of sleep I was awaken by two people grabbing me and pulling me up I opened my mouth to scream only to have a hand that felt familiar to me cover my mouth. I was dragged out of my tent and into the forest after a bit of walking I was in front of a tower now it makes sense this was my mom and one of her friends they wanted me to capture another dungeon since malic took all of what I got last time but why so soon I'm not ready at all what where they thinking it was too soon. I was pushed forward into the gate way to the tower I looked around to see a ocean I was at the edge of a island I looked around and see what looked like a floating pink blob so I decided to fallow it to see a giant pink squid this confused me but I had no time as it was grabbing me I tried to squirm but it only got tighter as it try's squash me my bracelet glows like judan is trying to tell me to use him " master of  malice and stealth lend me your power" my bracelet glows and turns to a double sided syth

 I was pushed forward into the gate way to the tower I looked around to see a ocean I was at the edge of a island I looked around and see what looked like a floating pink blob so I decided to fallow it to see a giant pink squid this confused me bu...

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I twirled it in a circle and cut off the tentacle holding me. It dropped me and  I landed on a branch and I jump up and slash down on the poor misunderstood creature, I kept walking but seen that floating pink blob again and fallowed it once more it was like it was call me to fallow it.

I ran into some smaller animals before getting to the treasure room I opened it unlike Judan's room the djinn was there waiting for me " aww your soo cute I am The djinn of the 86th dungeon Maliona the djinn of lust and sanity"

I ran into some smaller animals before getting to the treasure room I opened it unlike Judan's room the djinn was there waiting for me " aww your soo cute I am The djinn of the 86th dungeon Maliona the djinn of lust and sanity"

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she rushed over and hugged me " such a hard life you have had at such a young age young queen and I see you have gotten judan the grumpy pants" she said to me letting me go so I could gather the treasure I wanted I filled a medium bag for my self as Maliona faded into my left bracelet and the familiar star showed up and I was taken out of the dungeon as soon as I was out my mom and her friend took the three bags but left the medium bag since it was covered by Maliona's water magic.

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