Your POV A smile streatched across his face as I shook his hand. The teacher explained to the class what their assignment was and they all looked confused. I flipped open my book as Peter turned to me.
"So basically-" Peter started to explain to me but he noticed what I started to do.
"You understand?" He asked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I turned to him and stared at his deep brown eyes.
God those eyes could kill me.
"Well- um- I just-"
"Words Parker." I held back a grin.
No emotions (Y/N).
"I mean usually the people I get paired with make me do all the work because they have no idea what they are doing."
"Hm." I placed my elbow on the table and propped my head up. "I'll be fine."
I continued to work as Peter watched in amazement while I completed the entire project.
"You understand?" I joked.
I finish up the lab and start doodleing in my book. Peter looks up from a drawer he propped open and turned to me.
"(Y/N), why didn't anyone wanna sit next to you?"
I let a small smile spill onto my face and watched his curly hair fall onto his face.
"I got into a fight with another girl in my last class." I tried to sound confident.
"Badass." He smiled mischievously and turned back to his book.
I continued to draw and wait until class was over. As the bell rang I packed my bag and stood up from my stool.
"Whats your locker number?" Peter stopped me as I started to head out the classroom.
"I had to get a new one because mine was too close to Peggy Rider's so now it's 1126." He grinned.
"Awesome! Mine's 1119! We are pretty close then!"
"Yea I guess. Wanna walk back?" I asked.
"I've gotta meet up with Ned. He's my friend."
"Ned. Ned Leeds?" I asked.
"Yea. Why."
"He's in my Algebra 2 class. He just moved up. He sits in front of me."
"Great! You all have meet!"
"Yea well tell him I said hi!"
"Will do!" Peter flashed an adorable smile at me as he started to jog the opposite direction of our lockers. I had an unsteady feeling in my stomach and I hated it.
~time skip to back at the tower~
I walked in from the elevator and Thor greeted me with his usual ear to ear smile and kiddish wave.
"Greetings! How was the place of education?" He wondered.
"It was good and all." I tried my best to hide the smile that wanted to come across my face.
Thor must have noticed the struggle and smirked.
"What!?" I laughed.
"Oh nothing."
"Fine be that way." I dramatically pouted to my room and plopped down on my bed.
All I could think about was Peter. The way his chestnut curls fell onto his face and brown eyes starred straight through me.
Thats creepy (Y/N). Stop.
I sat up and got changed into my workout clothes.
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You chose this ^^^^
"Dad Im going to go work out for a bit." You called into the living room.
"Stark isn't here he's in his lab like alway." Wanda said as she emerged from her room next to you. "Of course. Wanna come?" You asked her.
"Erm." "Please Wanda!" You begged her, needing something to get that stupid kid off your mind.
"Fine. Ill be right back." She went to her room and returned a few minutes later in her workout clothes.
"Lets get this over with." She rolled her eyes at you and joked.
You headed to the training level of the tower and went straight to the punching bags. "Spot for me would ya?" You asked.
Wanda came over and gripped the bag as you finished wrapping your hands up.
After a few minutes of punching Wanda stepped back from the bag.
"Whats up? We just started!" You smiled at her.
"I could ask you the same question." She smirked as you looked at her with a confused expression. "Your distracted. Why?" She paused.
"Oh I know. You met a boy."
"No shit Wanda. I go to a high school, with boys." You gave her an attitude.
"That's definitely it. Is he cute?" She giggled and walked over to grab her water bottle.
"No. Thats not it." You said confidently.
"Ok than what is it? Huh?" She took a sip of her water. "I met a guy. Not a boy." Wanda practically sprayed water out of her nose onto the mat.
"Wanda!" You said as you grabbed your towel to wipe up the mess.
"Y/n. Y/n Stark met a guy. Not a boy. And she likes him?!" She was in pure shock.
"I never said I liked him!" You tried to defend yourself. Placing your hands on your hips you started to think about him again.
Why is someone allowed to be that fuckin beautiful...
"Y/n. Y/n?" Wanda was waving her hand in front of her face. "You totally are thinking about him."
You came out of your gaze realizing you screwed up.
"Y/n. Do you like someone at school?" She asked you as she dramatically sipped her water.
"Maybe?" You sighed and shoved your head into your hands.