#1 introduction : jason todd | tim drake

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pairing : jaytim (jason todd | tim drake), from dc

title : sorry about that. how are you?

jason was terribly sorry that he hit tim in the head like that. truly. but sometimes, an accident is the right way to start a relationship.

Tim had been sitting on the bench reading a book when it happened. He had agreed to follow his friend, Conner, to the park that day to watch him play football with his friends. Conner claimed that Tim was his lucky charm and that his presence was required for his team to win. Tim called bullshit on that. He probably just wanted to brag to him about how great his skills were at kicking a ball around, even though he knew that Tim didn’t care for it.

“Shit, look out!” He heard someone yell, but he didn’t lift his head up fast enough to spot the speeding football headed towards him. All he remembered was a large force knocking the wind from his breath, and the feeling that his head was going to cave in.


Tim groaned as he tried to sit up in his bed, his head pounding like those headaches he had after pulling an all-nighter. Amidst the ache, his mind was swimming in confusion. He was at the park with Conner and his friends, so how did he end up back in his dorm room?

“Thank god you’re awake. I was so worried,” an unfamiliar voice said.

Startled, Tim fell out of the bed screaming. “JESUS- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” He scrambled to his feet as he tried to regain his senses. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my room? Are you some sort of creepy stalker or something??”

The stranger held up both his arms in mock surrender. “Woah man, chill. I am not a stalker. I’m the guy who accidentally hit you in the head with a soccer ball, remember? The name’s Jason Todd by the way.”

“You did what?” Tim’s voice was rising an octave higher, the same way it did whenever he was nervous or confused. “You kicked a soccer ball to my head?”

He looked like as if his muscles were tight as springs, his hands raking through his hair as he tried to remember what had happened to him, and Jason was wondering if he would just explode at the slightest touch.

“Why don’t you sit down? You look like you need to calm down,” Jason said as he eyed Tim cautiously, motioning for him to sit down. “I’ll take it that you don’t remember what happened to you at the park, so I’ll keep it short and condensed. I was playing soccer with Conner and the gang and… I may or may not have kicked the ball a little too hard. And a little too off course. That’s how I ended up knocking you unconscious.”

Tim took in a deep breath as he tried to calm his on-edge nerves. “Let me get this straight. I was reading in the park, waiting for Conner’s game to end, and your stray football fucking knocked me unconscious.”

Jason gave him a sheepish smile as he scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah. And I’m really sorry that happened. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard. Or hit you at all, in fact,” he apologised, the sincerity clear in his eyes.

Tim looked at that expression and knew straight away that there was no way he couldn’t forgive this man. The way his lips curved into that small smile, the way his eyes shone when the sun hit it and damn, Tim couldn’t even begin to describe how handsome Jason was. He could never, ever, not forgive him. To avoid giving him a direct answer, Tim got up from his bed to get to the hot water flask he kept in his room so that he could make himself a cup of coffee. Behind his back, Jason was peering at the book on his desk. The book that Tim had been reading before being knocked unconscious.

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