✿ 𝓉𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎 ✿

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When Peter steps into work at 9:15 instead of 9:00 he thinks he may just be off the hook, but then Tony Stark is standing in his lab with his eyebrows raised but looking otherwise unimpressed.

"You've been here since you were what 21?"


"Even worse. You've been here for almost 12 years, correct me if I'm wrong, and I've just now figured it out." Tony is examining him and he can't find it in himself to be bothered. Wade's gas was deadly last night so he'd spent the night toughing it on the couch. "So what, you got tired of being the little guy and made a suit?"

"I got bitten by a radioactive spider over at Oscorp and just went with it," Peter says instead and he realizes that Tony isn't going to leave him alone until one of them eventually snaps. He resigns himself to working while also answering questions 12 years in the making.

"So you have powers? It isn't just a suit?"

"It is not just a suit," he confirms. He checks that there is no one in the hall outside of his lab before jumping, twisting and landing on the ceiling.

"Impressive," says Tony grinning up at him. "I definitely thought that part was the suit."

Peter walks back down the wall and yawns.

"What about the webs?" Tony says then.

"What about the webs?" Peter asks back.

"Are they homemade or biological?"

Peter shrugs as he speaks. "Both, I guess. My body naturally makes webbing but it's much stickier than what I can produce in the lab and if I use them too much I can risk like major dehydration. I just avoid them unless absolutely nothing else is available."

"Can I see?" asks Tony, bouncing on his feet like a 50 year old child.

"Sure, but can we do this later, sir? Tacos plus Deadpool means I slept on the couch."

"Of course, Underoos." Tony laughs while shaking his head. He goes to walk out before turning around. "Don't forget what I said. Stark Style. All you'd have to do was show up in a tux."

Peter cracks a grin and if the way Tony lights up is any indication that's all he was going for.

"Stark Style," Peter agrees. "I'll think about it."

He looks back again shaking his head amused.

"Spider-Man," he murmurs to himself with a chuckle, but Peter's superior hearing picks up on it and he's still smiling when Wade comes in looking pitifully apologetic during lunch time.

Wade is in full Deadpool regalia, minus the mask and he is holding up a bouquet of spider lilies, if only because he thinks they're funny and Peter loves them.

"Happy Anniversary, baby boy."

"Happy Valentine's day, Wade," Peter says looking at him in awe. "Did you come to work like that?"

Wade nods at him, but he's looking at a space on the floor and Peter can't help but reach forward and pull his husband into a kiss. Their mouths slotting together is perfect as always. Wade's lips are raw and dry and chapped, but Peter wouldn't have it any other way as he licks his way into the scarred man's mouth. They both peel away from each other after a few minutes of breathless making out to just breathe in each others air. Their foreheads are touching and Peter had his hands on either side of Wade's face and they're both smiling softly at each other.

"What was that for?" asks Wade still breathless.

"I'm so proud of you," Peter says, rubbing his thumbs across the rough texture of Wade's cheeks. He's staring into this mix-matched eyes, full of happiness, but terrified and he kisses the tip of Wade's nose. "You can put it on now, if you feel uncomfortable."

It's Valentine's Day, Spider-Hubby! [Spideypool]Where stories live. Discover now