Chapter 1: Mei-Yin's Backstory

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My Name Is Mei-Yin, But You Can Call Me Akitachu, Or Just Akita..

I Was Chenle's Childhood Bestie Until He Became An Idol, Anyway I'll Let You Carry On To My Story..

-Akita's POV-

It was on my birthday, the night my whole life changed for ever..

My mother had taken me to go to a theme park, as it was my birthday.

When we were driving on the highway this black car with completely tinted windows came at us so fast my step-dad couldn't react..

I remember the moment so clearly that whenever I think of it I can still here the screaming and the screeching of tires on that pitch black road..

the last thing I saw was my mother's lifeless face, it had turned white and her clothes were drenched in blood...

I ran as fast as I could, not waiting for the police to come as I was too scared to look at my mother's face again....

I ran into the woods on the other side of the road, jumped over fallen trees, and then stopped and fell to the ground at the edge of the woods..

I saw a white house, only just visible to me as my eyes were fuzzy from the tears that were streaming down my cheeks..

I couldn't run or walk any further, I was exhausted.

My eyes closed, my body relaxing, as I fell into a deep slumber of horrific night mares and dark red roads.

I opened one eye and got up, rubbing my eyes with my dirty hands, I didn't know where I was, or what had happened, it was all a daze for me..

I looked at the white house and walked to it slowly, but surely.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to come and open this big red wooden door..

After a while a young woman opened the door for me, she looked about 19.

"oh my gosh, what are you doing out here child? Oh, you must be freezing, and hungry. Where are your parents?" she said hurriedly, obvious that her mother's instinct was taking her emotions over.

"I-I don't know where they are.." I said reluctantly..

"come in child.." she said and I walked into the warm house.

As soon as I saw a model car on the table on the mantel piece everything started pouring into my memories like a machine gun pours bullets at its target.

I burst out crying as the memory of my mother's face came into mind..

The Television was on and I saw a picture of my mother, me and my step-dad.

"E-eoma.." I said, speaking my thoughts

"oh honey, you should have told me.." the nice lady said to me sadly..

"I remember what happened now.." I said quietly, wiping the tears from my cheeks and eyes.

{After Mei-Yin and Jia-Li introduce themselves, Mei-Yin tells Jia-Li her story of woe}




I'm not gonna continue with the backstory part..

anyways, here are the characters:

Mei-Yin {Akitachu}

Age: 17

Birthday: 12/2/2001

Birthplace: Korea, Seoul 

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