Chapter 2: The New Beginning

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You Never Realize 

How Strong You Are 

Until Being Strong Is 

The Only Choice You Have..


-Akitachu's POV-

"WU FREAKING MEI-YIN GIVE ME MY FREAKING DONUT BACK " Kwan screamed from the kitchen.

"NUUUUUUUUUUUUU, MY DONUTTTTTT " I screamed back, running away from my certain doom with my treasure in my hands.

"GIVE.IT.BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK." She shrieked and caught up to me, pulling me backwards so I fell onto the couch.

I'm sure I would have laughed at my face as well, if I could see it.

">:0 NOBODY MESSES WITH MA DONUTZZZZZ " I exclaimed, jumping up and stealing the stolen donut from Kwan's safe hand's

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">:0 NOBODY MESSES WITH MA DONUTZZZZZ " I exclaimed, jumping up and stealing the stolen donut from Kwan's safe hand's.

I shoved half of it into my mouth and looked triumphantly at the angry girl before me.

"you owe me an Oreo donut." she said and sat onto the couch, next to Jia-Li.

{A Few Moments Later [Sponge Bob Style] }

We were all arguing over who knows Onaki better, well when I say all I mean everyone except me and Jia-Li.

"All of you shut up about whether Kwan knows Bong-Cha well or not, and Mei-Yin stop arguing with the mirror." Jia-Li said, done with this noise. "We need to think of a name for our group before Manager-Nim gets here."

Everyone agreed half-heartedly.

"y'all are lAzY," I said, breaking the silence. " I already came up with a name-"

"ACTUALLY" Bong-Cha interrupted. "We both 'came up' with the name."

"The name is FALLEN ANGELS" We said in unison and giggled childishly.

Everyone else showed they agreed by either shouting, screaming, clapping, jumping or                    

all of the above.

"Oh my god it's already 10:15." Kwan exclaimed and jumped up, ran to her room and slammed the door.

"we're supposed to be at the office by 10:45 girls, so get off of your butts and hurry." Jia-Li half shouted half screamed while rushing to her room.

"Last out ready buys Sushi." I said while running as fast as my tiny legs could.

After finishing up I put my headphones on, being careful not to mess up my hair..

After finishing up I put my headphones on, being careful not to mess up my hair

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